Conservatives take power: first works and principles are named


According to him, these principles are transparency and the highest standards of political ethics.

Speaking about the first future works, Landsbergis mentioned the control of the coronavirus, the need to review the future DNA Plan adopted by the current government, the signing of a national education agreement, the provision of all necessary health services and the closure complete of the Astrava nuclear power plant.

Conservatives Take Power: First Works and Principles Named

Named the first government work

After an hour-long presidium meeting, TS-LKD leader G. Landsbergis said the party had outlined key principles.

“The party authorizes two people: Ingrid and I to represent the party in the negotiations. (…) The party presidium has also confirmed the principles that we believe should be reflected in the coalition agreement,” he said.

One of the points mentioned by G. Landsbergis – and less chaos in the Seimas.

“The program of our party in this election said that less is more. The chaos in the Seimas, many laws that have not been debated, have been criticized and we want to present it to the future Government and the Seimas: fewer laws are better,” said the TS-LKD leader G. Landsbergis.

He stressed that these are not specific work commitments, but only work principles.

“We believe that these are the working principles that the new government should follow,” he said.

The head of TS-LKD named the management of the coronavirus situation as the first and essential work of the new government.

“This is the first job the government has to do,” he said.

The conservative leader said that the aspects of democracy, the rule of law and transparency were not even debatable.

The politician said there is no specific date for the signing of the coalition agreement. However, you don’t want to put off this topic either. The politician said that negotiations on the ruling coalition could also take place remotely.

He hopes to name the names of the ministers before taking the oath.

I. Šimonytė stated that the names of almost all the ministerial candidates could be made known to the public before the oath of this new Seimas.

“If we can agree on the principles of the coalition, I think we could agree on a personal contract very soon. I hope that before Seimas starts working, we can name all the candidates who could run for one position or another.” I. Šimonytė said.

All offers and jobs:

In a press release, the Conservatives say that it is proposed that agreements on a ruling majority be formed in accordance with the following basic political, programmatic and ethical principles:

Ingrida Šimonytė, Gabrielius Landsbergis

Ingrida Šimonytė, Gabrielius Landsbergis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

1. Transparency and the highest standards of political ethics. We will raise the moral and ethical standards for our activities equally legally, recognizing that moral reasons are also sufficient to assume political responsibility. We will strengthen the political culture in the state and restore people’s trust in politics by personal example.

2. Adhere to the “less is more” principle in legislation. Legislation will be developed without haste, prioritizing quality over quantity, with a focus on impact evaluation and discussion of projects with public groups, and with the participation of experts.

3. Principle of our domestic and foreign policy: Lithuania upholds democratic values, freedom of expression and the rule of law.. We will actively oppose any violation of human rights and democratic freedoms and defend freedom fighters all over the world, from Belarus to Taiwan. We will ensure the continuity of transatlantic foreign policy relations and implement the National Defense Agreement.

Four. Respect the constitutional rights of the media to receive and disseminate information.. Strong and independent media are important to the quality of democracy, as we will allow the collection and dissemination of information, open as much state data as possible, and not persecute journalists or degrade their reputation for criticizing the government.

Given the complex geopolitical and economic threat situation of the pandemic and the electoral program of the TS-LKD, start its implementation with the following political priorities:

1) Management of the coronavirus situation. We will try to protect people’s health first, maintain the rhythm of life appropriate to the situation, pay more attention to the participation of experts in decision-making and management.

2) The DNA of the Future Economy Plan has been reviewed. We will endeavor that the investments allocated to Lithuania are used to deliver the highest return and create high added value for the future of Lithuania.

3) Absolute blockade of the Astrava nuclear power plant and guarantee of smooth synchronization with continental Europe.

4) National Education Agreement. We will endeavor to ensure equal opportunities for all Lithuanian children to seek the best education, regardless of their social or life situation.

5) Empower the most vulnerable groups in society. We will create the conditions so that people in situations of social exclusion receive the necessary and high-quality social services that strengthen them and help them return to a full social life.

6) Ensure the quality and accessibility of health services. We will create a nationwide health system that is friendly to the population, accessible and of high quality, resistant to crises.

7) Transformation of high-quality and efficient public administration. We will create opportunities to attract as many top-tier specialists as possible to the public sector, reduce duplication of duties, digitize public services, and remove bureaucratic restrictions.

The talks will officially begin on Thursday

Conservatives, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party are set to begin talks on a ruling coalition program on Thursday.

This was confirmed by Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, president of the Liberal Movement, at BNS.

Until then, the parties plan to prepare their proposals for a coalition program.

According to V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, the board of the Liberal Movement approved its proposals in eight areas on Tuesday night and formed a negotiating group.

“We have proposals that our constituents supported the Liberals and that we want to see in the coalition agreement,” he said.

According to V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, the liberal proposals in the economy will be related to fiscal policy.

“We will talk about fiscal policy, fiscal stability, on the one hand, but also very specific points about possible tax cuts,” he said.

The Liberal Movement will also make proposals on education, human rights, health, environment, energy, foreign policy, culture, public administration and regional policy.

The Ship Party board on Sunday approved five elements of the program that it will seek to include in the coalition agreement.

“Our board has approved five initial priorities, but we are also preparing a more comprehensive list of policy measures that we will seek to include in the coalition agreement,” Aušrinė Armonaitė, leader of the Freedom Party, told BNS.

In the economic field, the Freedom Party will aim for a zero rate for reinvested earnings from 2021, without increasing taxes on personal income, a friendly environment for business development, cutting bureaucracy and regulation. In its program, the party emphasizes modernization of education by updating curricula and establishing information technology as the third language of instruction.

The Freedom Party will also seek the commitment of the coalition partners to hold a referendum on multiple citizenship, legalization of personal names on the main page of the Latin alphabet, quick decisions to legalize same-sex couples within 100 days, decriminalization of the possession of psychoactive substances without purpose.

According to A. Armonaitė, in addition to her, the party’s negotiating group includes the mayor of the capital Remigijus Šimašius and Councilor Vincas Jurgutis, the new members of Seimas Ieva Pakarklytė and Vytautas Mitalas, who can participate in negotiations with different teams.

The presidium of the Lithuanian Christian National Democratic Union (TS-LKD) will approve its guidelines on Wednesday.

“I will propose to confirm the guidelines for future discussions with partners – more guidelines on attitude, to be a discussion of what the new government should be. For example, what are the transparency requirements for your future work, what should be the communication with the public and the media, etc. ”Gabrielius Landsbergis, president of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, told reporters at the Seimas.

According to him, it is necessary to establish standards that apply to all ministers and the coalition.

After the Seimas elections that ended on Sunday, the TS-LKD, the Liberal Movement and the Union for Freedom announced a future center-right coalition. In the new parliament, these parties should have at least 74 votes out of 141.

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