The Liberal Movement has listed what it wants to see in the coalition treaty: from a lower GPM to online voting.


Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the party chairman, sent the Liberal Movement’s proposals for a coalition agreement to potential coalition partners on Thursday morning. She posted on Facebook.

According to the politician, the party followed the following principles when presenting its proposals:

  • more autonomy for the citizen, less dependence on the government;
  • The republic is built by free people, an educated and open society;
  • power allows a person to create wealth for himself;
  • private initiative should be encouraged and supported;
  • We cannot borrow from future generations and consume more than nature can restore;
  • Independent and responsible media and strong NGOs: protection against government weaknesses.

The Liberal Movement has identified eight areas in which concrete proposals are being made: “Of course, they do not cover all sectors of life in the country. This will be on the government’s agenda, which is much more detailed than the coalition agreement. Its purpose is the essential principles and objectives of working together. “

According to V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, the party highlighted the areas of economics, education and science, human rights, health, environment and energy, foreign and defense policy, public administration, and regional politics and culture: “In each of them, several points, dozens in all. “

Agreement on education

Not all were named by the politician, but several mentioned them.

First of all, it is an agreement on education.

“2021 we must sign a national agreement on education. In addition to increasing funds per student, student, regardless of the type of educational institution, because today too much money is deposited for education in other” lines “, without reaching who are the essence of education: children and young people “, said V.Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Below is lower GPM, more opportunities for women to combine work and career.

“We take the position that we should reduce the GPM to 15% in 4 years. An alternative to the potential losses are the prices of pollution, other environmental taxes, reduction in the shade, municipal bonds, new jobs in the economy circular, etc.

Speaking of human rights, we emphasize the need to give women more opportunities to combine motherhood with career, to make decisions about their reproductive health, “said the president of the Liberal Movement.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen

Al Seimas – from 21 years

The party wants to see in the coalition agreement an attempt to regulate the association, writing non-Lithuanian letters with personal names. Also, return to the referendum on multiple citizenship, to allow younger candidates to run for the Seimas.

“We are the promoters of the Association Law (2017), we must put it back on the agenda and adopt it. Also dust off the law on the writing of surnames in Latin letters, complete the work begun on the possibility of applying for the Seimas from the age of 21. And let’s get back to the citizenship preservation initiative. The first time it showed that it is very important to our society, ”said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Fighting COVID-19 is now a priority, but we must not ignore other systemic issues.

“There are so many problems in the health sector that we will not list them all, we have pointed out some of the most important, from the importance of primary health care to the change in the reimbursement of medicines. Of course, the fight against COVID-19 is now a priority, but we must not ignore other systemic problems as well, ”the politician continued.

According to her, the agreement should include the objective of preserving forests and reorienting the economy towards cleanliness: “With regard to the environment and energy, we must not only follow the Green Course established by the EC, but also set ambitious goals. . What would also help to take proper care of our nature, preserve forests and redirect the economy towards cleaning ”.

Online voting, a stronger Eastern Partnership

In the foreign and defense sphere, the Liberal Movement is committed to continuity.

In the foreign and defense sphere, there are no sudden changes.

“In the field of foreign affairs and defense, there are no sudden changes. Constant adherence to the objectives of the EU and NATO in strengthening the Eastern Partnership,” said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Liberals, he said, are also in favor of decentralizing state governance and returning functions (land, employment, social affairs, cultural heritage, etc.) to self-government.

“We will also strive to guarantee the digitization and development of electronic democracy by guaranteeing online voting already in 2023. in municipal elections, involving the population in public administration issues by electronic means, opening public data,” he said the politician.

The party also highlighted priorities in the field of culture.

“One of our priorities in the field of culture is to reduce barriers to creative society by analyzing administrative and bureaucratic obstacles to culture, to strive for a favorable fiscal and administrative environment for creative activities in line with practice global, “said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“Although this text has been quite extensive, it is only a part of the provisions that we have presented today to the coalition partners. I believe that we will be able to announce a joint document in the next few days. This will be the beginning of a policy that gives everyone the opportunity to build their own well-being, ”he hoped.

The Freedom Party pursues similar goals

The Liberal Movement, the Freedom Party and the Conservatives will begin to design the program of the ruling coalition on Thursday.

Conservatives set themselves the goal of reviewing DNA plan for the economy of the future, handling the COVID-19 pandemic, drafting a national agreement on education, carrying out an absolute blockade of the Astrava nuclear power plant, and more.

In the economic field, the Freedom Party will target a zero rate for reinvested earnings from 2021, no increase in personal income taxes, a friendly environment for business development, reduction of bureaucracy. and regulation, also emphasizes the modernization of education, updating the curricula, making IT a third language of instruction.

The Freedom Party will also seek the commitment of the coalition partners to hold a referendum on multiple citizenship, legalization of personal names on the main document page in all letters of the Latin alphabet, quick decisions within 100 days to legalize the same-sex couples, decriminalization of the possession of psychoactive substances without purpose.

Following Sunday’s parliamentary elections, the Conservatives, the Liberal Movement and the Union for Freedom have announced a future center-right coalition. In the new parliament, these parties should have at least 74 votes out of 141.
