How many millionaires will work in the newly elected Seimas: five officials, but there is more Business


22 millionaires tried to enter the Seimas in 2020-2024, but the citizens entrusted the mandate to five. It is true that such a number of millionaires is revealed in the official property statements of politicians. And if we analyzed the total family assets of MPs or the market value of property of politicians, the millionaires would reveal more.

15 minutes Check out the official and unofficial millionaires of the newly elected Seimas. We classify politicians according to property declarations made public by the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) and the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), but we also provide evaluations of politically owned companies and total family assets.

1 location. Ramūnas Karbauskis: 24.3 million. euros

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

In the newly elected Seimas, the richest parliamentarian will not change, since during the current term he will be the leader of the “peasants” party, the sole shareholder of one of the largest agricultural companies “Agrokoncernas” Ramūnas Karbauskis. According to the STI, it manages 24.3 million. assets in euros.

It is true that in reality the ownership of a parliamentarian and the sole shareholder of one of the largest business groups in Lithuania is worth much more.

VIDEO: R. Karbauskis: “In this Seimas, decisions such as the legalization of marijuana will be impossible”

The legislation allows politicians to indicate the actual acquisition value of assets rather than the market when completing public asset declarations. So if the property was bought a decade or more ago, the figures in the newspapers seem much more modest than the amount the owner would receive for selling the property right now. The statement of the members of the Seimas often indicates the shares, houses and land of the managed companies with a market value less than the market value.

For example, R. Karbauskis points out that he has shares worth 9.7 million. euros, however 15 minutes A survey of the most valuable Lithuanian companies carried out in the spring of 2006 revealed that Agrokoncernas is valued by financial analysts almost five times more: 48 million. euros.

Consequently, the assets of the “peasant” leader could reach at least 62.6 million. and, taking into account the real value of the land and houses, and more.

Understand instantly

  • Summary data from the CEC shows that a statistical member of the Seimas is a wealthy and married fiftieth year old named Andrius, whose total assets (including loans) amount to 614,000. euros.

Second place. Antanas Guoga: 17.3 million. euros

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Guoga

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Guoga

The second richest member of the Seimas is Antanas Guoga, a businessman who participated in the elections with the Labor Party and spent five years in the European Parliament until 2019.

According to the STI, its assets are valued at LTL 17.3 million. The most valuable are the shares of companies, works of art and jewelry of A.Guoga, valued at more than 15.7 million. euros.

The businessman is a shareholder in more than a dozen companies and has accumulated seed capital by playing international poker tournaments.

VIDEO: “Electoral taxi”. A.Guoga: on citizenship, “steaks” for Lithuania, gambling with Pugacheva and wishes for Puteikis

3rd place. Valdemaras Valkiūnas – 4.8 million. euros

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Valdemaras Valkiūnas

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Valdemaras Valkiūnas

The third in the list of millionaires of the new Seimas is Valdemaras Valkiūnas, who returned to Parliament after an 8-year hiatus and ran for election.

For the past few years he has been a member of the Biržai Municipal Council and served as mayor.

V Valkiūnas had already measured the seat of a parliamentarian in 2008-2012, and his wealth was accumulated from a business he had been developing in Latvia for a long time.

The statement of assets for 2019 published by the STI states that V. Valkiūnas has assets of 4.8 million. euros. He claims he owns overseas land worth more than $ 1.6 million. 1.2 million euros. Millions of euros in buildings and 1 million euros in company shares.

4th place. Gabriel Landsberg – 1.53 million. euros

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gabriel Landsbergis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gabriel Landsbergis

Gabrielius Landsbergis, the leader of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party-National Union, which won the most seats in the Seimas, will be the fourth millionaire in the new Seimas, whose assets are valued at 1.5 million. euros.

However, according to family ownership, G. Landsbergis would be the third richest member of the Seimas. According to STI, the networks of private kindergartens “Kindergarten” and schools “Queen Martha’s School”, owned by the politician’s wife, Austėja Landsbergienė, are estimated at 12.85 million. The total family patrimony amounts to about 14.5 million euros. euros.

By the way, the example of the property declaration by A. Landsbergienė reveals how much the value of the declared property can exceed reality.

The entrepreneur’s 2018 statement indicated that the value of shares in private educational institutions was only 8,592 euros. This year, A. Landsbergienė filed a statement for 2019, which reflects the appreciation value of the company’s shares. The difference in the value of the shares of the same company is huge: in the last statement, the shares were valued at 12.85 million. euros. The A.Landsbergienė business is evaluated similarly by financial analysts.

VIDEO: TOP 5 richest Lithuanian politicians: Landsbergis ‘wealth grew sometimes, Karbauskis’ – 50 percent.

5th place. Kęstutis Glaveckas – 1.46 million. euros

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Kęstutis Glaveckas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Kęstutis Glaveckas

Kęstutis Glaveckas, a member of the Liberal Movement, completes the five richest members of the new Seimas, whose assets in 2019, according to STI statements, amount to 1.46 million. euros.

It is true that the family property is larger: the total property of K. Glaveckas and his wife Rūta Rutkelytė is estimated at 4.1 million. euros.

Informal millionaires

As can be seen, five millionaires of the newly elected Seimas can be counted from the official declarations of ownership. However, estimating the total family wealth or market value of politically managed companies also reveals more informal millionaires.

For example, according to the data in the property declaration filed by the STI, the conservator Dainius Kreivys has properties worth more than 755 thousand. 1.37 million euros with his wife. assets and more than half a million euros in loans.

However, according to the Center for Records, the politician owns 40 percent. shares of the Catus group of companies, so in reality D. Kreivys should be much richer.

Catus owns companies such as Makveža construction products chain, Statyb construction company, Gausa, Specialized Procurement Board and others.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Dainius Kreivys

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Dainius Kreivys

A survey of the richest Lithuanians conducted by “Rankai” magazine and “Delfi” portal in the fall of 2019 revealed that the share of the company managed by D. Kreivis in 2018 could be worth 8 million. Although the politician himself stated in the equity statement that the shares were worth only 116 thousand euros. euros.

If it weren’t for the big loans, there would be two more millionaires in the Seimas. The value of the assets of the conservative Kazys Starkevičius from the official statements is just over a million.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Kazys Starkevičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Kazys Starkevičius

After revealing a few years ago that he has around 100 ha of his own land, the politician calculated the most expensive plots: 426 thousand. euros. True, K. Starkevičius also has 348 thousand. loans in euros.

Jonas Pinskus, who joined the Seimas with the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party, is in a similar situation and, considering the common property of the family, would also claim the ranks of the millionaires.

According to the STI, J. Pinskus has assets of almost 628 thousand. together with the mayor of the Širvintos district Živile Pinskuvienė – more than 1 million. euros. It is true that the couple also has almost 200 thousand. loans in euros.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jonas Pinskus

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jonas Pinskus

Arminas Lydeka, who, according to the CCA, has lived in assets worth 856,000, also claims to be among the wealthiest members of the Seimas. euros.

Four millionaires worked in the Seimas of the current legislature – the new member of the Seimas will no longer have Bronius Bradauskas, a social democrat who decided not to participate in the elections and declared last year that he would have 8.3 million. euros.

An interesting detail is that in 2007 almost one in three members of the Seimas was a millionaire; that year there were 43 millionaires. It is true that at that time Lithuania had not yet adopted the euro, so it was possible to become a millionaire with 3.5 times less assets than now.
