What can we find in the market to make the graves of loved ones overwhelm the neighbors?


As November 1 approaches, when we rush to the cemetery to honor the dead, merchants offer to decorate the graves with a ring of flowers, a basket, or a flower bush.

The most popular are chrysanthemums.

“Rinkos aikštė” went to look at the cemetery and talk to the merchants who traded there. And although they refused to take pictures, they spoke willingly about both the trade and the flowers.

The Flora Flower Farm, located in Kėdainiai, has been selling flowers at the entrances of the Kaunas Street Cemetery for many years. The farmer said that this year, like many years, the main flowers, chrysanthemums, reign near the cemetery.

“Chrysanthemums are like chamomile, they transport us to summer. Its white, pink, yellowish, yellow, cream, lilac, bronze, red flowers look beautiful next to the maples adorned with colorful autumn clothes. The flowers are beautiful, their flowers are fabulously beautiful, ”said merchant Regina.

Prices vary

About a dozen merchants could be seen along the cemetery fence. And they all traded chrysanthemums. The prices of these flowers vary. The price of a bush ranges between three and seven euros, depending on the size of the pot.

“Some people need a small bush, others want a large one. For everyone according to wishes. The most popular are white flowers, many times people are also interested in real flowers,” said the merchant.

Seasonal news

Merchant Rima also featured this year’s novelties at Rinkos Square. It is a bushy chrysanthemum of three colors. A bush consists of flowers of three colors.

“There are even three-colored flowers on a bush. For example, it can be white, brown and yellow. Very pretty bushes, but their price is higher. For a three-colored bush like that, we ask for eight euros. Understand that, of what On the contrary, it is not worth selling, after all, we buy, we grow and then we sell.

How much work needs to be done. To some, that price seems high, but in reality, after all, we have little left and that is what is left of that bush. As they say, everyone has a pocket, ”said the woman.

Offered heather

Anyone looking for cheaper live flowers can buy heather. For its shrub in the cemetery, it asks from one to three euros. You can also save by buying chrysanthemums. Those interested can buy not a whole bush, but one or more flowers. You can also buy artificial flowers and baskets in the cemetery, the prices of which are also very different.

Will offer during the holidays.

If you come to the empty cemetery during the holidays, no problem. Both candles and matches can be purchased at the cemetery entrances. Traders have thought of everything and are ready for anything. According to them, now more and more merchants will be available in the graveyard every day.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We do business not only in cemeteries but also in markets. Today, the trade becomes more active every day. People decorate, fix chapels before the holidays and we offer them everything from flowers to matches.” smiled the merchants.
