The government has banned the events for two weeks, but is in place.


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

In view of the deterioration of the epidemiological situation, the government has banned the events in the country for two weeks starting next Friday.

Added: revised number of allowed events.

According to a Government Resolution, from Friday, October 30 to November 13. All open and open events and gatherings in public places are prohibited.

It will be possible to organize cultural or sporting events only in cases where the number of spaces and spaces does not exceed 300, in open spaces 400 people.

Initially, the Government considered limiting the number of events at cultural events to 200, but after the meeting, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis stated that it had been decided to apply the same requirements to cultural events as to sporting events, where the number of events is limited to 300.

The organizers will also need to ensure that the organizers observe the event only from a place with a distance of 2 m between them, with two protection devices for the nose and mouth throughout the event.

Starting on November 14, events can be organized by checking ticket distribution electronically or by registering participants and participants, controlling the entry of participants and participants.

During the government meeting, it was also decided that 10 square meters. commercial space per visitor.

It is already clear that since Wednesday the quarantine regime has come into force in the country’s main cities in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipda and in five smaller municipalities ilals, irvint, Teli, Trak and the Vilnius district. Another record number of new coronavirus cases, 776, has been confirmed and they have died for three months, the Health Ministry said.

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