G.Nausėda described what tasks will be set for future ministers: there will be no examinations on the welfare state


At a press conference on Wednesday, G. Nausėda stated that Lithuanian voters had chosen what they wanted to see at the head of the state for the next four years and congratulated the elected members of the Seimas.

You can see the presidency press conference here:

The head of state argued that now is the time to form a sustainable government that will have to seek real reforms instead of red tape.

The president assured that he has reached an agreement with the parliamentary parties elected to the Seimas on the welfare state and on the most urgent issues.

According to him, the goals set on Wednesday are set for a political period, only education reform cannot happen that quickly.

When asked why it was necessary to update the definition of the welfare state and the criteria that were provided in his inaugural speech, G. Nausėda said that there was certainly no desire to write “part of the government program”.

“It just came to our attention then. Perhaps some details that were before have appeared or are missing. In particular, the € 1 billion of planned and more efficient use of EU financial assistance.

In fact, life itself has been adjusted a bit, because important things have happened during that time and one of them is, well, that does not sound a little boastful, but we really did achieve a great result in July because of the recovery fund and the long-term financial perspective, “he said, and acknowledged that a” trifle “remained that the plan had not yet been approved by the European Parliament.

Welfare states will not conduct examinations for ministers

G.Nausėda listed the criteria for the members of the new Government.

“I’m definitely not going to take exams like I used to do for ministers, and I’m really going to speak in principle about the things that a minister sees as the most important in his area of ​​regulation. Yes, of course, I will compare to what extent this is in line with the aspiration of the welfare state, but it will certainly not be a meticulous, tabular comparison of our views.

More importantly, for a person to be competent, a person really wants a change in their industry within the allotted time. Well, without a doubt, decency and professionalism are absolutely imperative, ”he promised.

G. Nausėda also stated that the second wave of the coronavirus poses its own challenges, so the smooth transfer of power is very important today. It is said that the new government must have a coronavirus management plan immediately.

I probably won’t take exams.

The president expected to complete the work with the outgoing ruling majority and hoped that some of its laws would be taken into account, but he acknowledged his hopes of conciliating the candidacy of the head of Public Procurement, which had not been agreed for a year.

“It cannot be that the elections were held, the government relaxed, shut itself up in cabinets and stopped working. Of course, no. Normal work will continue ”, explained the president.

According to G.Nausėda, they could be saved by eliminating tax benefits. He hoped that this problem could be resolved by the end of this year, although the conservative candidate Ingrida Šimonytė 15 minutes stated that he would not make such changes this year.

VIDEO: Press conference of President G. Nausėda on the welfare state

He spoke extensively about the welfare state

After calling a press conference, the head of state stated that Lithuania must be strong, fair, environmentally friendly and innovative.

According to the president, it is necessary to adhere to the agreement on the defense of the country and fight for a 2.5% stake in defense. GDP.

The President assured him that social justice is understood as an opportunity for everyone to live with dignity.

According to the president, it cannot be the case that the future of students is determined by where they were born, not by talent.

“I believe that education is the area in which all political forces must and can agree,” said G. Nausėda.

He assured that he would strive to be among the top ten students in the world within ten years.

G. Nausėda stated that the feeling of justice in the country is violated by great inequality. 600,000 people are said to live in poverty. people, and one could speak of a fair state if the difference between the lowest and highest income exclusion were 5 times.

G.Nausėda also spoke about the need to increase pensions, eliminate fiscal reserves and fiscal inequalities.

According to the president, it is necessary to reduce regional segregation. G.Nausėda assured that she will strive for salaries in the regions to reach at least 85%. capital level.

G. Nausėda assured that it is necessary to combat impunity, assured that he will demand political responsibility from future ministers.

“Lithuania must be green,” said the president.

According to him, through the green course and innovations, Lithuania can join the ranks of world economic leaders.

According to the head of the country, it is difficult to expect innovation until funding for research and experimental development is less than 1%. GDP. The president called this shame.

“For the state to carry out its functions properly, it needs sufficient resources and we obviously lack them,” said G. Nausėda.

According to him, for Lithuania to be strong, fair, innovative and green, we will have to increase revenue and allocate 35% to public services. GDP.

The President assured that all this is not possible without civil society and invited people to participate in the activities of non-governmental organizations.

“We need more volunteers, more organizations and more people who are not afraid to have a say. Lithuania would have at least 55 points on the civic power index,” said G. Nausėda.

Read the full president’s speech here.

A year ago, the numbers were different

2019 In his inaugural address at the Seimas on July 12, the head of state had raised slightly different criteria.

“In raising the idea of ​​the welfare state, we highlight five key indicators of the country,” he said later, listing:

  • Reduce income inequality. Today, the income gap is between 20 percent. the wealthiest people and 20%. the less wealthy make up more than 7 times. In the European Union, this figure is multiplied by 5 and we must move towards it in the next 5 years.
  • The second is to increase budgetary tax revenue from the current 30% to 35% of GDP. That is more than $ 2 billion. additional funds that we could spend on social security, health, culture, public services and salaries.
  • The third is to reduce regional exclusion.
  • The fourth is the efficient use of EU funds.
  • The fifth and, for the future, I think that the most important indicator is progress in the quality of education. We must complete the endless educational reforms, reach a national agreement on educational change that will not be reviewed in the event of a change of government. And invest money and time in your children’s education, because that is the most significant investment.

“It is these indicators of the prosperity of Lithuania that will be the criteria for evaluating the joint work of the Government and all political forces. Therefore, by appointing ministers, signing laws, criticizing and listening to everything, I will evaluate everything according to the degree to which the institutions and officials serve the well-being of the Lithuanian people, ”said G. Nausėda in his inaugural address.
