Tapin infected by coronavirus – on his health: he told me what symptoms he was feeling


On his Facebook account, he wrote: “Since there are a lot of people asking how I feel, it is moderate at the moment. The virus is still attached. The bones do not break, there is no temperature, but for the last two days, the nose is completely blocked and there is a constant headache.

I felt similar when I had a bad sinusitis. Today my head is slowly relieving but otherwise weak, my head is heavy and I am not very capable of working, which is annoying. That would say 5 out of 10 feelings. I stay in bed and soon I will become a great tray of tea and vitamin C. “

We remind you that on Saturday she reported that she was infected with the coronavirus.

“It just came to our attention then.

Today came the coronavirus test – positive.

Now we need to get a call from NVSC specialists (it’s very interesting when they call), to put together an action plan according to the protocols, to remind everyone I interacted with, to thank Viktor Uspaskich. There are issues.

And of course, many questions arose at once: the first is whether it is possible to drink brandy in Covidu, the second … well, rather, everything is clear

So tomorrow night, I’ll be maybe the first covid host of the election night show. In the kitchen by the tap.

Really interesting times ”, wrote A. Tapinas on the recording.

A few days ago, the journalist felt the characteristic symptoms of a cold – cough, bone fracture, so he decided to cancel the planned event and on Friday he conducted a Covid-19 test at a mobile station in Klaipeda, and his response was positive.
