Asked about the money for a possible second quarantine, S. Skvernelis says he will be able to take care of it.


Currently, local quarantine has been announced in 21 municipalities.

When asked whether it would not be more logical to announce universal quarantine for two weeks throughout Lithuania, instead of dividing the country into parts, because there are few counties and municipalities left where the situation is good due to the spread of the infection, S. Skvernelis replied:

“No, it wouldn’t make sense.”

The prime minister later added that, according to the established criteria, the municipalities have been divided into three groups, and this will continue.

Possible future Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said the government did not provide funds in case the quarantine had to be reissued..

S. Skvernelis said that if I. Šimonytė is appointed Prime Minister, she will be able to deal with that matter.

VIDEO: S.Skvernelis: If the second quarantine needs to be announced, I.Šimonytė will be able to take over the funds

“Today, I can say that the government has provided the necessary funds for all the cases and has those funds,” the prime minister said at a remote press conference.

All according to plan

With the rapid filling of COVID-19 beds for patients in the Santara clinics, the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital released some of them for people with coronavirus.

Skvernel said he could not say what would be done to ensure that patients who were discharged from the hospital earlier were not interrupted.

“I am not a doctor, I cannot say what will be done to prevent treatment from being interrupted. Ask your doctor. And whether right or wrong: yes, yes. There are support hospitals that are obliged to organize their work in such a way that they receive so-called COVID-19 patients, since there will be no other alternatives. Only if there is a way in which the health system will no longer be able to cope with the burden of patients with COVID-19, will there be outbreaks, then those hospitals will no longer exist and no service will be provided, “commented the Head of Government.

According to S. Skvernelis, everything is going according to the approved plan available. COVID-19 patients are treated at five major hospitals. When capacity is low, so-called support hospitals are activated.

“The second called ring. It will be the third and fourth, if necessary ”, emphasized the Prime Minister.

New restrictions

As the epidemiological situation deteriorated, the government banned all events for two weeks starting on October 30. except for high quality sporting events and cultural events and funerals.

Organizers of sporting and cultural events should limit the flow of spectators and ensure the use of masks.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / fans of

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / “Žalgiris” fans

The Government has also decided that at the point of sale throughout Lithuania, a buyer must have an area of ​​at least 10 square meters.

At the proposal of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, it is also possible to continue the education process of children educated in special institutions and special classes in distance general education schools.

New record

Records of new cases of coronavirus continue to be recorded in the country. On Tuesday 776 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed.

270 of them were registered in Vilnius, 173 in Kaunas, 120 in Klaipėda, 73 in Šiauliai, 63 in Telšiai counties. Another 37 cases were recorded in Tauragė, 18 – in Marijampolė, 10 – in Panevėžys counties, 9 – in Alytus and 3 in Utena counties.

Three more people died.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

A total of 12,138 cases of infection were confirmed in the country.

4,502 people recovered from the disease and 7,440 fell ill.

Currently, 28,077 people need isolation.
