257 EUR reimbursement for freelancers, subject to additional conditions Business


At the proposal of the Council of Ministers, the Seimas will decide whether to pay the benefit of 257 euros again when the Government declares an emergency and quarantine situation.

Since the Government currently introduces quarantines in individual municipalities, only the people living in those quarantined regions will receive the benefit.

Furthermore, only those whose municipalities are subject to financial restrictions will be able to receive 257 EUR.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

Another additional condition proposed by the Government is that a self-employed person must be included in the list of restrictions recognized by the State Tax Inspection as established.

All of these conditions will support the fact that fewer people are likely to receive € 257 aid than in the spring and summer, when this benefit was paid at € 87,000. autonomous.

At the time, those benefits cost the state 112.2 million LTL. euros.

The law presented to the Seimas also proposes to waive the provision that the 257 benefit be paid for another two months after the lifting of the emergency or quarantine.

The Minister of Social Security and Labor, Linas Kukuraitis, said that the STI will approve the list of victims according to the sequence of activities subject to the quarantine restrictions established by it and the Minister of Economy.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Linas Kukuraitis

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Linas Kukuraitis

However, at the suggestion of Minister of Finance Vilius Šapoka, it was agreed that the entire Government would have to approve the list of activities.

V. Šapoka also said that the government no longer has the ability to pay benefits to all self-employed workers.

“The basic philosophy to manage this crisis must be based on solidarity. For some time now, the State can encourage everyone horizontally, but it can only do so for a short time, ”said the minister.

Valdo Kopūstas / 15-minute photo / Vilius Šapoka

Photo by Valdo Kopūstas / 15min / Vilius Šapoka

“From now on, that help has to be just one point, where it is the direct restrictions that really affect them,” he added.

The government continues to propose a simplified procedure for the calculation of the payment of social security contributions, two fines, interest and interest on arrears, and the calculation of interest and interest on arrears during the quarantine period, during which they have been imposed restrictions on economic activities.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

It is proposed that the Seimas consider the bills as a matter of urgency and that they enter into force on November 16.

In total, the quarantine regime is currently in effect in about a third of the 21 municipalities in the country.

Other helping measures

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor recalls other measures of assistance to the population that remain in force due to COVID-19.

When municipalities switch to distance education due to quarantine or the introduction of a regime that restricts the spread of infections, sickness benefits of 65.94% can be paid for the care of children under 4 years of age and children under 21 years of age. of salary “on paper”. The benefits are paid for the duration of the distance learning.

Photo from 123RF.com / Child studying at home

Photo from 123RF.com / Child studying at home

Allowances for downtime employees continue to apply. In the event of an ongoing emergency, employers can continue to declare downtime for employees if they are unable to provide employment.

During the downtime, the employee does not work, but is paid at least the monthly minimum wage, if the full rate of the working time is agreed in the employment contract. This means that the employee receives € 607 “on paper” or € 447 “by hand”.

Downtime must be reported to the State Labor Inspectorate within 1 business day, after which it is possible to apply for a subsidy to the Employment Service.

When employees start work after downtime, as well as when they hire unemployed with support sent by the Employment Service or the employer from the list of companies affected by COVID-19 compiled by the STI, 6 subsidies can be paid months to recover after quarantine, or 4 months if employed.

This measure is valid until the end of 2020.

Unemployed persons registered with the Employment Service can continue to claim aid until the end of the year, a temporary allowance per jobseeker of up to € 42 for those who already receive regular unemployment benefit or € 200 for those who do not receive regular unemployment benefit .

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Euros in cash

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Euros in cash

In addition, when a person faces financial difficulties, he can apply for cash social assistance from his municipality: social benefits, compensation for heating, hot and drinking water.

It is also true that six months after the emergency and the lifting of the quarantine, the property of families and individuals, only income, is not evaluated to determine the right to cash welfare.

At the end of this semester, a permanent provision will come into effect whereby the property will be unattended for at least 3 months when the social benefit is requested in cash for the first time or 24 months after receiving the support.

Finally, when assessing whether a family can have a child benefit of € 100 with supplement, the income of 3 months is taken into account instead of the previous 12 months. A low-income family is considered to be one in which the average monthly income per family member does not exceed 250 euros, excluding the child’s money and part of the salary.
