The mayor of Šiauliai claims to have found a fundamental flaw in the management of the coronavirus: Veryga said so, but no one reacted


According to him, the Government, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) should intervene only in cases where municipalities cannot cope themselves.

“Why did we introduce the yellow regime a month ago? Precisely because the company would have a certain opportunity to operate. It was in business that the first cases arose. Assume the entire shift is isolated. Where was the system error? The spouse of that shift worker could go to work unannounced and continue to baptize others. We organize this place in Šiauliai and you can get the result right away. This place is the most dangerous ”, says A. Visockas in the program“ Delfi diena ”.

“Secondary contact is the greatest danger,” emphasizes Šiauliai Mayor.

He says he has discussed it with both the Prime Minister’s team and Health Minister Aurelius Veryga, but has received no reaction.

“In my day, this advice could have been of immense benefit. I gave this advice, by the way, to both the Prime Minister’s team and Veryga herself. There was no reaction, “says A. Visockas.

According to him, since the Šiauliai municipality introduced restrictions a month ago, today the situation is relatively under control.

“The main objective of all of us is to make the production and the hospitals work. <...> A month ago we got students in grades 6-12 to have distance learning, and we returned to grade 12 a week ago because the great danger had passed. Now I have 1,500 contacts a day, zero problems. Nursing homes: zero problems. Where self-government is full, in principle there are no problems with us, ”says A. Visockas.

According to the mayor, it is easier for him to convince people that the restrictions must be respected, because in the spring he clearly indicated which of them were in excess.

“I am lucky to talk to people, because in my time, when there were excessive restrictions in Lithuania, what they called ‘one has to be in the forest at night with a mask.’ [ribojimas], so now I can relatively easily persuade people to follow certain restrictions. People adhere because they logically understand what should be followed, ”explains Šiauliai Mayor.

A. Visockas says that the main mistakes were made in the summer.

“If you asked me how I would have made Christmas a party, I would have done it this way: by telling municipalities in July that you are now responsible for Covid’o management, I would give you a chance to check to a certain extent and it would all work out. Our main mistake is a completely relaxed summer and not making some preparations to control the second wave, ”he explains.

Grubliauskas: There really is no joy

Meanwhile, the situation in Klaipeda is completely different: the quarantine was introduced here on Wednesday. The mayor of the city, Vytautas Grubliauskas, says that he understands such a situation is inevitable, worried that people were too relaxed. “We were ready almost exactly a week ago, because we realized that it was inevitable,” says V. Grubliauskas on the program “Delfi diena”.

“If all people were to adhere to the restrictions that apply today, such a difficult to control spread would be much less, but many people are skeptical about it and only wear masks.” There is a big problem here ”, the mayor is convinced.

The mayor of Šiauliai claims to have found a fundamental flaw in the management of the coronavirus: Veryga said so, but no one reacted

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

According to him, when deciding on restrictions, doctors and specialists should be more listened to, the decisions should be expert.

“Joy [dėl karantino įvedimo] Certainly not. Restrictions are understood to have consequences. Another language, how much are necessary, how much is redundant. I think a rational approach should be sought. Not politicians, but doctors, specialists ”, says V. Grubliauskas.

Another problem, according to V. Grubliauskas, is that people look at the restrictions lazily and do not follow them. “We can introduce the strictest quarantines, but if people look at them with their fingers, the effect will definitely not be what everyone expects,” he emphasizes.

According to the mayor, Klaipėda residents follow the order after the introduction of compulsory registration in restaurants, cafes and bars, although some people are skeptical: “Naturally, people are quite skeptical, but most still understand that this is not he does without having anything to do. “

The mayor of the complaints says that he receives both teachers and owners of bars, restaurants, as well as owners of sports clubs and event organizers. The mayor is not ruling out the possibility that a week of distance learning is not enough for students, and the Christmas tree will likely have to be lit remotely this year.

“It is difficult to speak whether next week’s distance learning will be enough, apparently next week’s statistics will show it. I would not rule out the possibility that it could be expanded,” says V. Grubliauskas.

“The Christmas tree will be lit, it will probably be done remotely, Christmas will definitely come, but you have to do everything possible to make it come and go safely,” he says on Delphi Day.

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