The new aid to companies and individuals will be more limited but more specific Business


“If in the past the support was completely horizontal, for example, all micro-enterprises received micro-subsidies, subject to general restrictions, and those restrictions were very broad, then the restrictions that are being prepared now are much tighter and we suggest that the support is given to a narrower circle, who have suffered more ”, says Jekaterina Rojaka, Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation.

He says that updated measures will be proposed, not copies of the old ones, because “the situation, the scope of activities, the territories are changing.”

According to the portal, the business action plan will be presented to the government next Monday.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jekaterina Rojaka

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jekaterina Rojaka

“We propose two main and current measures: subsidies for companies with limited activities and soft loans for companies whose liquidity would be affected by COVID-19,” says Rojaka.

Employers will continue to receive compensation for downtime, but there are no subsidies for renting premises. It is planned to renew the possibility that companies defer debts to Sodra, but not all the self-employed will be able to make use of the subsidy of 257 euros and it will be paid shorter.

Eglė Samoškaitė, Advisor to the Minister of Social Security and Labor Linas Kukuraitis, affirms that the Ministry will modify the law according to which the benefits during the quarantine would belong to the self-employed who will be included in the list of victims of restrictions on economic activities published by the State Tax Inspection.

In other words, not only will the fact of quarantine be important, but also the restrictions established on economic activities. In addition, he will be offered to refuse to pay the benefit for another two months after the quarantine, ”says E. Samoškaitė.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Eglė Samoškaitė

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Eglė Samoškaitė

The adviser to the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Evelina Butkutė-Lazdauskienė, did not rule out the possibility of expanding subsidies for downtime on Tuesday, but has not yet commented on the new measures in more detail.

“More comments can be obtained tomorrow (Wednesday – BNS), and so far there is a meeting and inter-institutional coordination, there may be changes, so we do not comment more,” said the minister’s adviser.

With the introduction of the quarantine in the spring, the government approved the unprecedented sum of $ 5 billion on March 16. a 1 million euro economic stimulus package to help the country’s population and businesses mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic crisis.
