NVSC is crying out for people’s help: solutions needed here and now


R.Lingienė reported it on his Facebook account.

“What we most need now is to organize ourselves, that is, to join NGOs, volunteers who, after training, can guarantee the continuity of the processes by themselves, and the epidemiologists, in turn, carry out the work of managing the disease. COVID-19 infection requiring special expertise, “he writes on Facebook.

She emphasizes that NVSC specialists will train new volunteers, provide them with objective and methodological information, and will always come to their aid if necessary.

“Students from VU, LSMU and the Lithuanian Sports University are already volunteers.

They help epidemiologists investigate outbreaks of COVID-19.

33 representatives of the Lithuanian Armed Forces are conducting a case survey, and as of tomorrow there will be 50 of them.

However, there is still a great lack of operational information capacity of people who have been exposed to high risk ”, says R. Lingienė.

NVSC, she says, is grateful to all those who offer help for their citizenship and goodwill. However, many people who work or study can only spend a few hours helping, so NVSCs still face challenges organizing an ongoing work process, addressing logistics issues, providing ever-new training, ensuring business continuity, and manage risks.

Therefore, more people are being sought who can voluntarily contribute to the work of the NVSC and the management of the pandemic.
