R. Šimašius supports V. Matijošaitis’s idea regarding COVID-19 data


The mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius, supports the idea of ​​the head of the municipality of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis, to evaluate the metropolitan data on the spread of the coronavirus separately from the data for the entire county.

According to him, the data provided must be “clear and understandable so that there is no room for manipulation.”

“Presenting the coronavirus morbidity indicators distinguishing between city and county results would really make sense, because now it is often Vilnius county statistics and presented as city data, which fundamentally distorts the situation. real, they create tensions in society and do not help professionals to work with real critical points. ” – R. Šimašius testified in BNS.

On Monday, V. Matijošaitis submitted a request to the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), requesting to begin providing separate indicators of the incidence of coronavirus infection in at least five cities and their counties. He also believes that with the growing number of diseases, it should be specified exactly how many cases of the disease are registered in Kaunas and how many in the remaining municipalities of the county, which would facilitate the planning of activities for companies and other organizations.

On Monday, the government announced quarantine in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda and five other municipalities in the country. They provide for the mandatory use of masks in all public places, it is forbidden to group in groups of more than 5 people and there are more restrictions.

In Lithuania, the incidence of COVID-19 currently reaches 168.5 cases per 100,000. population. In the city of Kaunas, this indicator reaches 277.5, in Vilnius – 343, in Klaipėda – 311.
