Kaunas resident and his two sons are accused of hiding almost half a million taxes, embezzling another million


According to the press release, according to information provided by the Kaunas County State Tax Inspectorate, officials clarified that the director of a company located in Kaunas and dedicated to the production and improvement of industrial equipment and two sons who worked in the same company, they devised a tax evasion scheme.

Simulating cooperation with four non-operating companies registered in the UK and Cyprus, the partners falsified invoices for equipment rental, market research and customer search services allegedly provided by foreign companies.

Officials found that fictitious invoices were included in the company’s accounts and false statements were made, to avoid the obligation to pay taxes to the state. It is estimated that in less than three years, the defendant could not have paid more than 455 thousand. euros.

Kaunas residents not only hid taxes, but also decided to make a profit. FNTT officials found that two of the four foreign companies were represented by one of the accomplices who worked as an accountant in the family business. Once the falsified invoices were paid, the same accountant, with the authority to administer the bank accounts of the inactive foreign companies, transferred the money received to the accounts of the brother and the father without any proof of said transfers.

It is suspected that in a year and a half the family transferred to their accounts and collected more than 1.1 million from the banks. euros.

All three family members were charged with fraudulent acquisition of high-value foreign property, misappropriation of high-value foreign property, and fraudulent accounting.

A temporary restriction on property rights has been imposed for impressive amounts to ensure the possible confiscation of property and civil actions. Restricted properties for more than 450 thousand. and the total amount of the defendants’ limited own funds exceeds 1.6 million euros. euros and almost 50 thousand. AMERICAN DOLLAR.

The pre-trial investigation was supervised by the Prosecutor of the Second Prosecution Division of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office, whose case was transferred to the Kaunas Regional Court after drafting the indictment.

Theft of high-value foreign property is punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Incarceration for up to eight years threatens the acquisition of high-value foreign properties.

The most severe penalty for fraudulent accounting is up to four years in prison.
