Lithuanians dissatisfied with the work of plastic surgeons unite: did they ruin their lives?


When there are complaints about the same in a short period of time, it can be assumed that something is wrong here. This is exactly what happened among the Lithuanians in England: several unrelated women at the same time began to complain about the work of a well-known plastic surgeon in Lithuania and the supposedly ruined life. The specialist calls such complaints a coordinated attack on himself and recalls that emotions often break down after corrections in reality do not meet the expectations created in the imagination.

A few weeks ago, the newsroom received a letter announcing Lithuanians’ plans to sue plastic surgeon Saulius Vikšraitis for improper work, and the women asked for help in finding more frustrated people.

The author of the letter came forward not only on his own behalf, but on behalf of several people.

It may have been just one of the many letters from readers that reached the editorial office, but a few days later another message with similar content arrived, her sender confirmed that she was not related to the author of the first letter, but claimed to know that there were more women of that type.

As a result, it became interesting: what happened that Lithuanians living in the UK suddenly rebelled against the same surgeon?

Without hiding, only one woman agreed to talk about it.

To the surgeon, on whose side the charges are running, and this wave of discontent is also known, he presented his version of why he suddenly became the target.

Problems after surgery

One of the women who claims that the plastic surgeon did his job wrong is Eva Rotmonaitė, who lives in London.

Her nasal septum and shape were adjusted to her in 2009, and the patient paid 8,600 LTL for this operation performed in Kaunas.

“At that time, there were few plastic surgeons in Lithuania, the choice was small. I trusted him, ”explained the Lithuanian from England.

The woman began to suspect that something was wrong after 3 months; during that time, the swelling had not gone away since the operation, the nose was sunken, and eventually breathing became difficult, especially during sports.

“When I approached the surgeon about it, they invited me to come to the consultation, 8 months after the operation I injected the filler and I said it would be fine, and during the consultation I did not answer all my questions. Once he offered to see a psychologist, ”the woman shared her experience.

According to Eva, during that time she became depressed and simply couldn’t look at her image in the mirror, felt guilty about her decision, didn’t dare to fight for her rights as a patient.

As a result, she locked herself in for a time and suffered the pain alone.

However, in 2012, the woman again decided to contact the surgeon and express that she was dissatisfied with the result of her work, and the doctor offered her a silicone implant, but did not know exactly what size it would take, which confused the woman and hesitated about reoperation.

“I said that this procedure would take about 20 minutes and that I would have to pay for it.” However, this offer was later withdrawn because the surgeon changed his mind and informed him by email that the cartilage had to be removed from the rib, ”said E. Rotmonaitė.

Then the Lithuanian was looking for an answer in a plastic surgery clinic in London. There he heard that too much cartilage had been removed from his nose.

An operation in London would have cost him around £ 10,000, so he had to abandon that choice.

Only in 2018 was an audit operation carried out in Iran. Lithuania says it is satisfied with the result.

“By the way, this operation lasted 4 hours. In Kaunas, they promised to do it in 20 minutes ”, emphasized the woman in the difference.

What did you expect

When asked why she had just spoken publicly about the events of a decade ago, Eva Rotmonaitė replied that she had recently noticed that more women had suffered from poor plastic surgery services and even from the doctor himself.

“I think we have to talk about it, because it seems that this issue is a stigma. Women in this situation need help. In public speeches, I see what I endure on my own: they feel guilt and shame, they get depressed, they need psychologists or even more serious medical help. There are complaints of chest, abdomen, eyelids, nose surgeries, “said the Lithuanian.

I think we have to talk about this, because it seems to be a stigma.

According to the woman, sharing information is crucial to avoid similar incidents, but all the public reviews she has written so far have been removed from social media, specialized medical websites have been removed, she has been slandered, lies hired by competitors and threatened in the courts.

“But you have to break the ice and talk about it. You are trying to make affected women feel in a way that makes them feel ashamed to make it look like their guilt. This is not the case. This barrier must finally be overcome,” said E. Rotmonaitė.

He is currently partnering with several like-minded people on a special Facebook group called Plastic Operations Mistakes and is calling for more victims to respond.

“The most important goal is information and support. Because sometimes it seems that nothing has changed in this field in 10 years,” said a Lithuanian from London.

Surgeon’s evaluation also contacted surgeon Saulius Vikšraitis, who responded to questions.

– How do you assess the situation in which complaints from different patients about their potentially poor work flow at the same time?

– The clinic is known for the group created on the social network Facebook, where mostly negative records about Lithuanian plastic surgeons and their work are shared. As far as I know, negative opinions and offensive records about me in the group have been circulated by patients who underwent surgery at the clinic many years ago, such as over a decade ago, even though the clinic has never had any has received claims for those surgeries.

Many profiles in this group are fake. This situation seems strange, but we understand that the social network Facebook is a space where misleading and defamatory information can be spread. Therefore, we encourage our current and future patients to view the situation calmly and with a cool mind.

– Have you been approached directly by at least some patients recently?

– No, the clinic has not received complaints from group patients. We only monitor for cyber attacks to form a negative opinion about our clinic. We monitor cyberattacks in waves accompanied by organized synchronized actions and a targeted wave of libel information. The quarantine is believed to have intensified competition between business units.

– Could you explain how you are routinely treated in cases where patients remain dissatisfied with your work (or with that of another surgeon)?

– Patients are sometimes dissatisfied with the results of cosmetic surgery, because what the patient expects “theoretically”, he may not be satisfied himself, seeing the practical implementation of this expectation in his body.

In such cases, patients even turn to the same, and sometimes another, plastic surgeon multiple times in search of a subjectively constructed imaginary result.

The objective of our clinic is to achieve the desired result for each patient as much as possible and that patients are fully satisfied after any plastic surgery that seeks only an aesthetic result. Therefore, in cases where the expectations of patients are not met after the first operation, we treat the situation individually, often operations or corrective procedures are proposed.

Main source: unites-plastic-surgeon-work-unsatisfied-Lithuanian? Fbclid = IwAR2cd7Mfe4AthmJvdjYxPe7dCgFhTRiM-hCw2_UIOdM6
