The Lithuanian Armed Forces are reverting to proven measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus


Soldiers of the Initial Permanent Compulsory Military Service (NPPKT) serving in the Lithuanian Armed Forces will remain in their unit service units for the next 2 weeks. After two weeks, the conditions for the release of NPPKT soldiers will be adjusted, taking into account the municipality’s affiliation with the contagion zone, in accordance with the traffic light principle currently applied by the Ministry of Health.

The Lithuanian Armed Forces, in an effort to protect professional soldiers and permanent conscripts performing military duties, as well as active reserve soldiers or volunteer soldiers called in for training or exercises, are implementing risk management measures for the virus. COVID-19, which are necessary to control the situation in military units.

Soldiers in peacetime missions (TMU) receive respiratory protection, goggles, hand sanitizers, disposable gloves, restricted movement of troops and vehicles between units, increased access to military units, meals and organized health care services without queues.

In all military units, medical personnel and commanders have also instructed soldiers on additional hygiene measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19: facilities are strictly cleaned and ventilated, soldiers wash their hands more frequently, and additional disinfectant dispensers are installed.

In case of infection of soldiers, the soldiers are isolated and treated. In each case, the number of sick soldiers is evaluated and the infrastructure of the military unit is adapted for the treatment of asymptomatic and mild patients. If the possibilities allow it, the soldiers are treated on the territory of the military unit, if there is no such possibility, they are transported to the Soldiers’ Rehabilitation Center in Druskininkai or another place prepared for this purpose.

The units also provide and prepare premises for isolation and the treatment and care of soldiers with mild COVID-19.

Dr. Jonas Basanavičius Military Medical Service in Kaunas and the Military Rehabilitation Center in Druskininkai have installed more than one hundred isolation places for the permanent treatment of soldiers with mild COVID-19. If the patient develops more serious symptoms and complications, the soldier will be transferred to a civilian medical institution for further treatment.

Currently, about 40 Soldiers are assisting epidemiologists at the National Public Health Center (NVSC) with conducting initial case interview procedures and integrating data into their systems.

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