Lithuania sends a note to Belarus: demands the suspension of the start-up of the Astrava nuclear power plant


The president emphasizes that Lithuania categorically does not agree with such a hasty release. Today a protest note will be sent to Belarus.

Lithuania’s position remains unchanged. The Astravas power plant represents a threat to the security of the EU and, in particular, of the Lithuanian citizens, so we demand the suspension of such irresponsible start-up of the Astravas nuclear power plant ”, said Asta Skaisgirytė , chief foreign policy adviser to President G. Nausėda, during a press conference on Tuesday.

According to her, the level of preparedness of municipalities in response to a potential threat could be much better.

The European Parliament has recommended that Astravo’s electricity not be traded on the EU market: “We must further consolidate our efforts to prevent this unsafe electricity from entering the EU electricity market.”

During Tuesday’s meeting, the president discussed the willingness of the Lithuanian government, ministries and other institutions responsible to implement the provisions of the law on the protection of the health and environment of the country’s population, the preparation of the protection system civil and unsafe electricity non-entry into the Lithuanian market.

“Remains for the future Government”

During the meeting, Mr. Nausėda highlighted the need to strengthen the civil protection system. According to her, the problems of the Astravas nuclear power plant also remain in the new government.

“These issues remain with the future Government, but until December, while this Government is working, the issues will be addressed.

The president hopes that the future government will continue with the same policy as the current one. The Astrava nuclear power plant is not safe and should be shut down under such conditions, and the dirty electricity it produces would not enter the EU market, ”says A. Skaisgirytė.

According to her, due to the methodology under discussion in the Baltic countries, the issue must be decided by the Ministry of Energy and Foreign Relations: “The president does not solve technical problems.”

Minister: Amendments to the Civil Protection Law travel to the Government meeting

The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Minister of Energy Žygimantas Vaičiūnas, Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius and Minister of the Interior Rita Tamašunienė.

After the meeting, Minister R. Tamašunienė announced that on Wednesday the Government intends to consider amendments to the Civil Protection Law related to preparations for the start-up of the Astrava nuclear power plant.

“We believe that change should not happen because of change, but we must improve the system, that is why a new version of the Civil Protection Law and all the amendments to the law that accompany it, the complete package, have already been prepared. He will travel to the government meeting tomorrow (Wednesday – BNS), ”R. Tamašunienė told reporters.

According to her, the ministry seeks to avoid excessive bureaucratic ties in the management of possible crises related to the Astrava nuclear power plant, which prolongs decision-making.

The goal is also to introduce more clarity for municipalities and define the limits of liability. According to R. Tamašunienė, amendments to the Civil Protection Law are expected to be submitted to the Seimas in the autumn session.

The minister says the government has already secured adequate funding for the necessary security measures and public procurement is underway.

“The government has provided adequate funding. After evaluating all possible scenarios, preparations are made, purchases are made, as you know, you will not do it in a day,” said R. Tamašunienė.

“33 purchases are planned, 10 of them have already been made. We are talking about the various measures necessary to ensure both the functioning of the services and the assistance that the population needs ”, he emphasized.

Iodine pills are distributed to the population

To protect the population, iodine tablets are distributed. The minister noted that at the moment it is divided according to the place of residence declared by the residents, but it is also considered divided between universities or other educational institutions.

“Currently iodine tablets are distributed according to the place declared by the population. That issue is under discussion, “said R. Tamašunienė.

He noted that the distribution of iodine tablets through pharmacies could also be further improved.

Nausėda: Astravo nuclear power plant poses a threat to the safety of EU citizens

In preparation for the commissioning of the Astrava nuclear power plant in Belarus, the President of Lithuania claims that the project poses a threat to the safety of the citizens of the European Union (EU).

G. Nausėda discussed the safety problems of this nuclear power plant near the Lithuanian border with the Vice President of the European Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, on Monday.

“The Astravo nuclear power plant poses a threat to the safety of EU citizens, so it is necessary to stop the irresponsible start-up of the Astravo nuclear power plant. Furthermore, the EU must not allow it to enter the market electricity from third-country producers that do not meet the highest standards of nuclear safety and environmental protection, ”said G. Nausėda.

Belarus is building a nuclear power plant 50 kilometers from Vilnius. In early August, the Russian Rosatom Corporation, which is building the nuclear power plant, began loading nuclear fuel into the first reactor.

Belarus announces plans to connect the first reactor to the country’s power system by the end of this year, and it is expected to go into full operation in February 2021.

Lithuania passed a law that states that Astrava’s electricity cannot enter the country’s market and urges neighboring countries to boycott electricity from the power plant.

Remember 5 tips to prepare Astravo for a possible disaster:
