Vilnius bars inspected: one faces a fine of up to 6,000 euros


During the weekend, cafes and bars verified that customers were properly informed (posters, etc.) about the applicable safety requirements (use of masks, distance, hand disinfection), if the staff wore masks, if the customers They wore masks and if the tables were set at adequate distances, either it is a disinfectant, or the customers do not walk while drinking or eating, therefore without masks.

These are part of the measures formalized a week ago by the agreement of the Vilnius City Council with the Association of Bars and Cafes of Lithuania, the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Lithuania, the Vilnius Night Alliance, representatives of bars and clubs individuals, as well as the National Center for Public Health. Most of these companies have been found to have implemented duplicate controls on safe customer reception and hygiene since the end of the quarantine.

“After this weekend, I am even more confident that bars and similar entertainment venues can operate responsibly and safely regardless of opening hours. The bars want to continue with their activities, they have responded in good faith to the municipality’s call for cooperation. But the decision of the State Emergency Operations Center is different, the bars will have to close in 24 hours from today and we can only hope that the business can survive, “said Povilas Poderskis, director of the Municipal Administration of the City of Vilnius.

The catering company, which voluntarily agreed to sign the agreement, promised to maintain a distance of 1 meter in the queues and at the bar stands, and to wear the masks regularly inside and on the patio, except when sitting at a table where you can eat, drink or smoke in designated and specially designated areas. ; drinks can only be consumed in the bar area, up to 2 meters from the bar on a beam or sitting at tables; seats for eating and drinking should be separated from the dance area by areas; it is necessary to disinfect the hands at the entrance, in the bar and in the bathrooms; Application of the “one-in-one-out” principle at the entrance door when the premises are full; It is recommended to measure the body temperature of visitors at the entrance door or inside the venue (depending on the nature of the event), without admitting those whose body temperature exceeds the norm recommended by the NVSC (this provision can be adjusted for its reliability during winter); visitor registration at the entrance or inside, whether by storing the mobile phone number of each visitor for 21 days, and in the event of a fireplace, providing the NVSC with the mobile phone numbers of all visitors for that day.

Catering institutions have agreed that warnings for non-compliance with these rules can only be applied once. Those who break the rules a second time are asked to leave the room and are no longer admitted that day. The service providers undertook to complete the employee health record, ensure timely cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of the facilities, and examine all employees with PCR tests at intervals, when and according to recommended procedures. by the NVSC.

An agreement on detailed personal protection measures is available weekly at
67 people with 95 bars have already signed, as well as representatives of two associations (Lithuanian Association of Bars and Cafes, Lithuanian Association of Hotels and Restaurants). Almost fifty agencies have not yet signed the contract, but the list continues to be filled several times a day. Several bars and cafes do not plan to sign the agreement, as they do not plan to continue operating under current conditions.

A fine threatens the bar in Karoliniškės

The inspection coordinated by the municipality was carried out regardless of whether the agency had signed an agreement on compliance with the above regulations. First, the most popular institutions in the Old City and the New City were inspected and the warning signals received were responded to.

The same thing happened in Karoliniškės, where no obvious rules were followed in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. This institution faces a fine of 1,500 to 6,000 euros. The decision will be made by all the institutions involved in the inspection, the fine would be imposed by the court.

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