After the shocking images of the kennel in the Kaunas district, the prosecution concludes: this is not a crime


The pre-trial investigation was launched in September, after receiving a notification from the Kaunas State Food and Veterinary Service Department that as a result of an unscheduled inspection, up to 81 dogs were found kept in inappropriate condition at a breeder in Kaunas district. The pre-trial investigation was started on suspicion that the animals may have been abused.

15 minutes He had previously written that the dogs found during the inspection were kept in small and unsuitable pens and did not have enough water or food to feed these pets.

“We have seen everything, but this case is exceptional. This is the biggest animal farm I know so far, – said Jurgita Gustaitienė, director of Nuaro, after discovering the kennel. – The public will see the conditions in which those animals go. Pity. We really have a lot to think about. This person (breeder – aut. Past), I don’t think I can do more activities. I don’t think it can be fixed. There are all those kennels, but this is the scariest. It’s hell on earth. “

VIDEO: The conditions in which 82 dogs were kept were filmed in the Kaunas district

There was no crime

According to the prosecution, the investigation found that the dogs were locked in cages that were too small, some of the cages were placed one on top of the other, their floors were grated, and some of the cages did not have bunk beds. Other breaches of the requirements have been identified for breeders that are inconsistent with the principles of animal welfare and may affect their health.

However, after collecting and evaluating all the data obtained, taking into account the conclusions obtained from specialists and witness testimony, it was established that in this case article 310 of the Penal Code (CC) was not committed. 1 d. the crime was reported and the investigation was terminated.

Criminal liability under this article of the CC can be imposed on a person only if the animal dies or is mutilated as a result of cruel treatment.

In cases where it is established that the requirements of the Animal Welfare and Protection Law of the Republic of Lithuania have been violated, non-compliance amounts to cruel treatment or torture of animals, but if the animal is not slaughtered or mutilated, the person is administratively sanctioned.

Reader Photo / 82 dogs were taken from a possibly illegal breeding center in Kaunas district

Reader’s photo / 82 dogs were taken from a possibly illegal breeding center in Kaunas district

Therefore, the data collected during the pre-trial investigation into violations of the animal housing requirements and other requirements of the Animal Welfare and Protection Act of the Republic of Lithuania was transferred to the Kaunas Department of the State Service of Food and Veterinary by decision of the prosecutor.

Taking into account that during the investigation, no crime provided for in article 310 of the Penal Code has been established. 1 d. signs, and the breeder’s actions must be evaluated in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses, the prosecution did not solve the problems of the fate of these animals. The Kaunas Department of the State Food and Veterinary Service must decide on matters related to their care, care, seizure or return to the owner in accordance with its competence.
