The Freedom Party has named what it wants to include in the government’s program: the alliance will seek to legitimize itself within 100 days


“The Freedom Party is willing to participate in the coalition formed by the center-right political forces. Naturally, we will try to include as many proposals from the Freedom Party’s electoral program as possible in the joint coalition work program. Together , we selected 5 priorities, which are the essential expectations that we will strive to fulfill, ”the report quoted Aušrinė Armonaitė, president of the Freedom Party, to the media.

The expectations of the match are:

  1. Changes in the economy: develop a plan to allocate 3% GDP for science and research in the future; 0 percent a tax on reinvested earnings from 2021, so companies can successfully expand; the desire not to increase personal income taxes; an environment conducive to employment and business development: reform of supervisors by reducing bureaucracy and excessive regulation of companies.
  2. Changes in education: substantial renewal of general education content (IT – third language, etc.) and reform of teacher training and development starting next school year; High quality early and general education for all Lithuanian children by strengthening the network of quality educational institutions.
  3. Changes in the world for Lithuania: commitment to prepare and organize a referendum on multiple citizenship (paying due attention to publicity and agitation from all coalition partners); legalize the writing of personal names on the main page of documents in all letters of the Latin alphabet.
  4. Quick solutions in 100 days: decriminalization of the possession of psychoactive substances without the purpose of distribution; legalization of same-sex couples, which grant rights and responsibilities to family members.
  5. Public administration is governed by the principles of respect for human rights, openness, transparency, openness, and uncompromising respect for private property.

On election night, the party’s president, A. Armonaitė, stated that The MPs who joined the Seimas will seek to revise the Alcohol Control Law and amend the Assisted Reproduction Law.

“Perpetual embryo freezing harms infertile couples who try to take advantage of assisted reproductive services. This must be canceled immediately, “said the politician.

The Freedom Party, which participated in the Seimas elections for the first time, won 11 seats and the party is invited to form a coalition government with the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union and the Liberal Movement.

VIDEO: Directly from the Freedom Party headquarters: interview with party chairman Aušrine Armonaitė
