New restrictions come into force: registration and shorter working hours in bars, quarantine in 12 municipalities


The quarantine is also introduced for two weeks in 12 municipalities: Elektrėnai, Joniškis district, Jurbarkas district, Kelmė district, Klaipėda district, Kretinga district, Marijampolė, Pasvalys district, Plungė district, Skuodas district, Šiauliai, Švenčionys district, as well as for two weeks expanded into the Raseiniai district.

The quarantine is scheduled to be introduced this week in the municipalities included in the “red” zone, where morbidity has increased: the municipalities of Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda, as well as the municipalities of Vilnius, Širvintos, Šilalė, Trakai and Telšiai.

BNS introduces the most important new restrictions in Lithuania and in municipalities where quarantine already exists or will be announced.


* Limitation of working time. Catering services, restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs and other entertainment venues are restricted from 7 to 24 hours. The opening hours of casinos, slot machine rooms and other gambling venues, if catering, are also limited.

* Mandatory registration. Cafes, bars, nightclubs, games of chance and other entertainment venues must register the name and phone number of the visitors. Registration is not required if the food is delivered to take away or if meals are organized for institutions, companies, organizations that work in shifts.

* Relieves isolation of residents. Persons in contact with the patient will be able to reduce the duration of isolation by two weeks if they test for coronavirus and are negative no earlier than day 10 of isolation.

* Requirements for foreigners are relaxed. After applying the “traffic light” principle, only those arriving from the red and gray zones should isolate themselves in Lithuania, including 21 countries of the European Union or parts of it. However, there will be a number of exceptions: arrivals with a negative coronavirus test not older than two days or after taking it in Lithuania, as well as doctors, border guards on business trips, humanitarians, cargo carriers, diplomats, journalists, sailors and others that do not need to be isolated. the exceptions are provided above.

* Distance education. At the end of the school holidays, all education, except primary and kindergarten, will continue at a distance until November 9, and most of the country’s universities will move to distance education from Monday. Non-formal education for children and adults must also be at a distance or interrupted.


* Use masks and witchcraft. Residents must wear masks in all closed public spaces, it is forbidden to gather in groups of more than 5 people (in the Raseiniai district, where quarantine was introduced earlier, only 2 people each), keeping a distance of 2 meters between they.

* Office work. Public sector bodies must work fully or partially remotely, and this is also recommended for the private sector.

* Public transport. In public transport, it is mandatory to maintain a metro distance between passengers, as well as mandatory masks.

* Business and services. In stores, other places of commerce and provision of various services, it is mandatory to guarantee 10 square meters M. meters per customer or client, or to serve no more than one person at a time.

* Health and social assistance institutions. Visiting patients under 14 years of age is prohibited, except mothers, as well as residents of social care institutions.

* Religious rites. It is recommended to abandon mass religious rites in meetings.

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