What and why did people choose in the second round: some also expect the impossible to do


Another 73 members of the Seimas were elected two weeks ago: 70 from a multi-member constituency and three from a single-member constituency, outperforming their competitors by a clear margin.

Vilnius is diverse: from “Skvernelis did not appear” to “helped everyone”

In Vilnius, we spoke to voters near the Karoliniškės gym. The Laisvė district is located here, located in the Pilaitė-Karoliniškės district, where the conservative Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė and the representative of the “peasants” Saulius Skvernelis compete in the second round.

VIDEO: In Karoliniškės, voters are in no hurry to vote for S. Skvernelis: “He promises a lot, recently”

The first round was most successful for the opposition, which raised more than 30 percent. votes. The prime minister received about 14.5 percent.

Zenon, who voted in the second round, was not convinced by S. Skvernel’s four years in power, so he wants a Conservative in government.

“It promises a lot, recently.”

“Well, Skvernel didn’t show up during that time. Many promises, few continue. Promises a lot, recently,” the voter asserted.

Tom, who came to vote with his family, said he supported the Conservatives because he has several friends connected with the party.

Kristina, who supported the right-wing candidate, would like the state to intervene less in business and pay more attention to human rights.

“(I would like – 15 minutes) a slightly more liberal approach, more liberal political decisions, ”he said.

I’m all the same, but I like the “peasants” better.

The older woman, who did not give her name, said that she had chosen S. Skvernelis because the “peasants” had increased their pensions during their years in power.

“They are all the same to me, but the ‘peasants’ prefer it for pensions additionaland the conservatives took it away, ”said the woman.

“He (S. Skvernelis – 15 minutes) a person who has knowledge, has helped everyone a lot, is a good person, sincere ”, said Veronika, another sponsor of S. Skvernelis.

“I wish they were truly the servants of the nation.”

In Kaunas, we communicate with voters in the J. Jablonskis constituency. This is a part of the Center-Žaliakalnis district, where the conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis and the “peasant” candidate Audronė Jankuvienė compete.

In the first round, G. Landsbergis did much better here, collecting 38 percent. votes. A. Jankuvienė raised almost 13 percent.

VIDEO: Kaunas residents voted in the Seimas elections: some expect nothing from the new government, others hope the money will not be wasted

A young Kaunas resident who voted Sunday believed the Conservatives were more imaginative in power because their ideas were closer to themselves. According to her, although conservatives have made mistakes in the past, they have probably already learned from them and the state really only wants the good.

The girls would like the new government to fight for greater social equality and also for many problems in the field of education.

The voter sitting on the bike said he wanted to see the Conservatives and the Liberal Movement in the coalition.

These two have already been … not good at all.

“I participated in the events of January 13, so I believe that the majority of conservatives and I are close. The Liberal Movement complements the Union of the Homeland. I hope the new government will work together, be more specific at work,” he said. the Kaunas resident.

The couple, who rushed to vote and called themselves unpolitical, did not hide: when they reached the polls, they found the names of those who were not expecting. According to them, he would like to see more young people in power.

“These two have been there, no good,” the man agreed.

His wife also agreed with him: “There have been so many terms, fiancees and we have nothing. What would you expect from the new government? Not factible. When we use power to achieve our goals, we will never be okay. “

I do not expect anything from the new government, the conservatives, because they never give anything, they only promise.

“I would like them to be true servants of the nation. We feed those servants, we feed them and they keep little and little for them. When those servants eat and want less, they will be able to survive on our wages, maybe then they will look different, and otherwise I don’t expect anything. There are more millionaires among government officials in a period. When you see it, despair begins, ”said the voter.

Another interviewee from Kaunas wanted the current government to continue the work.

“As Ingrida Šimonytė agitated: vote” for “something, but not” against. “On the contrary, I vote against. I do not expect anything from the new government, the conservatives, because they never give anything, they only promise. While we wait, the residents of Kaunas are waiting, but nothing good, ”he said.

Klaipeda’s voice: “We miss common sense”

Klaipėda residents who voted in the Danish constituency were quite active: People who went to and from the Vytautas Magnus gym to vote on Sunday afternoon said that despite rampant viruses, it was necessary to fulfill civic duty.

VIDEO: Klaipėda residents cast their vote in the second round of the Seimas elections

The conservative Arvydas Pocius and the liberal Saulius Budinas compete in this district, raising around 26 and 14 percent respectively in the first round. votes.

“I voted for the conservatives as always. I want changes for the better,” Gediminas from Klaipėda did not hide.

15 minutes interviewed, Eglė said that she would no longer want to see the “peasants” in power.

Another voter, Agnė, said neither the “peasant” nor the Conservative governments would be satisfied with it.

“I did not know why to vote. It was difficult. I want intelligent people to come. I would like a completely new force that knows the work,” the interlocutor did not hide.

He wants common sense in power, the ability to see everything more broadly, in liberal decisions.

“I voted for the liberals. I look at the whole picture and it’s still pretty clear what the picture will be. I think the ‘peasants’ will form a coalition with the Social Democrats and the famous Uspaskich party. This may already cause big problems for the Liberal Party, the Freedom Party and Conservatives, “said Nauris from Klaipeda.

Alex, who went to the vote, is convinced that the new government should listen more to the voice of business representatives.

“You want common sense in power, the ability to see everything more broadly, in liberal decisions,” Goda said of expectations.

Edita, who voted for the Liberal Movement in the Seimas elections, said she wanted a government that would ultimately serve the people.

“And they still want a balance between the liberal and conservative forces,” said the Klaipėda citizen.
