Universities are moving towards distance education


Vladimir Ivanovo (VŽ) nuotr.

Vilnius University (VU), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), in response to the rapid spread of coronavirus in the country, are moving towards a full distance learning model.

KTU representative Mantas Lapinskas stated that the university has been working remotely since the beginning of this week, with the exception of module exercises and laboratory work that is still being done at the university.

“Everything happens remotely from Monday. Naturally, semester research and final projects, mandatory internships can be done if there is no other option. But everything else is done remotely. Non-academic staff and administration continue to work on the land until November 14, “he told BNS.

VU has announced that it will switch to distance education for at least a month starting Monday, except for laboratory and practical classes where they need special equipment.

The rector of the VU, Rimvydas Petrauskas, pointed out that the non-formal adult education programs implemented in the VU during the mentioned period should also continue remotely and, if this is not possible, temporarily suspend. The administration will continue to operate in accordance with the safety recommendations.

VU reported that starting Monday the work of the university libraries will change – only members of the university community with a certificate or only pre-registered visitors who want to use the cultural heritage documents stored in the Rare Prints and Manuscripts Departments of the Library will be served. Central.

VMU planned the work in a similar way.

“As of October 26, we will move the studies to a distance, except for laboratory work and other activities that require special equipment and infrastructure, of course, reducing the number of people and ensuring all disinfection, as before, with security measures. ”. The representative of Vytautas Magnus University, Ina Žurkuvienė, also said.

According to her, as of Monday, apart from the individual faculties or study programs, they will be given a week of face-to-face work for another week to complete “certain urgent classes.”

MRU announced that the conferences, seminars and exercises will be held remotely. Teachers must inform students by October 31 about the method for taking the midterm and final assessments. It is planned that the defense of the final theses will also be done remotely, and the final exams will be done remotely complying with all security requirements.

According to Inga Daukšienė, director of the Center for Academic Affairs at MRU, that decision was made to prevent outbreaks of the disease at the university and to ensure the health of students, academic staff and administrative staff.

For distance learning starting November 1, students who want to leave temporarily but continue to live on MRU’s student residency contract will receive a 50% discount on the fee. Regarding the organization of the spring semester studies, the university administration commits to inform before October 31st.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University has been giving theoretical lectures remotely since September, and promises to organize the remaining classes for another week in the usual way, but is already preparing to end the session remotely.

“So far the situation is handled with our cases, there are no large chimneys, there are isolated cases (…). Therefore, for the moment, it has been decided that next week everything will go as usual: theory is everything, remotely, and next week, observing the situation, we will reconsider how to proceed ”, said Nora Skaburskienė, director of the Directorate of University Studies.

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