Uspaskich spoke about his state of health: “He has already eaten a lot of this virus in Lithuania and apparently I have eaten it.”


“I have not gone crazy yet for giving a press conference about my health. It is about a healthy lifestyle, but not about your health.

My weak point is the vocal cords, the throat. It took me a couple of hours a day to meet outside for a month and a half day, and my main weapon as a politician weakened, the ropes had to rest,

The coronavirus test was not deemed necessary

V. Uspaskich stated that he had not been tested for coronavirus because he had not yet seen the need to do so. He stated that he had no contact with the patient.

“Then we just figured it out, but I didn’t take the test. {..} No temperature, no cough now. But for me, of course, the better. I consulted with the doctors, better not speak.

I wanted the body to rest. I don’t use academic medicine, so I need more time to rebuild the body. {…} I have already eaten a lot of that virus in Lithuania and have probably eaten it. Nobody asks: there is a virus, but you have to learn to live with that virus.

I will test if there will be temperature if there will be signs. “If there is any danger to my health, I will definitely do it, but now it is not like that,” said the politician.

Asked if coronavirus had been detected in his relatives, he neither denied it nor confirmed it: “Ask them all the questions regarding third parties.”

The Labor Party intends to work in the opposition after the elections

Speaking of politics, V. Uspaskich said that the positions of the Labor Party are not interested and are willing to remain in the opposition.

“Today, the possibilities of the Labor Party to participate in any office are very doubtful due to the current political conjuncture {…} The offices do not interest us as a party. According to the political situation today, our decision to remain in the opposition longer, ”said the politician.

Uspaskich said he questioned the possibility of reaching an agreement with the peasants or the Social Democrats after the elections.

“If we look at the complete picture of the program, I doubt the possibility of reaching an agreement with the farmers or the Socdems. But we will support laws that benefit Lithuania.

The first barrier that will certainly not be overcome will be the budget. We can’t really support such a budget, because I don’t see that you can think of Lithuania there, “he said.

V. Uspaskich believes that the majority in the Seimas will be parties of the center-right: conservatives and liberals.

It went like in the water

We have already announced that after the first electoral round, V. Uspaskich has disappeared like water. The politician who contracted the virus disappeared from public space and did not pick up the phone. On Wednesday, the news portal received an enigmatic message from V. Uspaskich.

When asked how he feels, V. Uspaskich replied briefly on SMS message: “Very good!” However, after this message, V. Uspaskich continued without picking up the phone, did not answer.

Viktor Fyodorov, head of the Labor Party headquarters, told that he managed to contact V. Uspaskich on Tuesday and spoke with him by phone.

“He feels good, he coughs less, everything is fine. He has been in self-isolation since the night of the elections. I cannot answer what symptoms he is feeling or I did a test for Covid-19 because I did not hear him. There is little I can answer in his health questions because I am not a specialist. Especially since we do not talk to him about those issues, “said V. Fiodorov.

According to the head of the Labor Party headquarters, they are now negotiating the elections remotely, with his party representatives fighting for two constituencies in the second round: “Now there is really no further need to meet. A little later, after the elections, we will organize meetings of the Council of the Labor Party and other things, then a live contact may be necessary. “

(28 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Labor party press conference after the elections

“He is at home and protects his health”

Labor party member Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė stated that she had contacted the president by phone on Tuesday and that the situation is improving.

“I asked you yesterday about your health. He wrote: “better”. That is enough for me. I cannot tell you why you cannot contact him, that a person does not feel very well and saves health.

Last week, when I asked him why he did not answer and what happened, he said that he was keeping his voice, because he was starting to speak and started coughing, ”said I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė.

According to her, V. Uspaskich saves health, therefore she does not respond to calls: “He is at home and protects health.”

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PHOTO GALLERY. Oleg Shurayev visited the headquarters of the Labor Party

We remind you that on Friday TV3 Žinios announced that the Labor Party had an unexpected problem: during the first round of the elections, the party president, V. Uspaskich, fell ill and disappeared from public space, he can no longer help his colleagues to seduce voters, do not communicate with journalists or talk about life on Facebook.

Neither party members nor colleagues knew where the party leader was and what virus was harassing him: V. Uspaskich, who promised to eat the viruses, did not go to the doctors.

Recently, V. Uspaskich has talked a lot on the Internet about a healthy lifestyle and has shared advice with others. He was assured that he had a terrible, worldwide coronavirus.

See the full TV3 News report here:
