Due to the restrictions imposed by the government, the materialist clubė will temporarily close its doors: others are still considering it, but it is open, it is not worth working.


Close the door temporarily

Matas Puodžiūnas, co-owner of the capital bars such as Bardakas, Sanatorija and the Materialistė nightclub, has confirmed that Delfi has confirmed that the doors of one of them will be closed temporarily from Monday, when the law will only operate until midnight.

“After this weekend we will close the” Materialistė “nightclub. Bardakas and Sanatorija will keep trying to work until 24 hours next week.

We will only work because we have not drastically laid off all employees. Every day we will wait for the aid plan and the proposals from the state, because we will not be able to survive without closing with such restrictions for a short time, ”said M. Puodžiūnas about the closest plans in response to the latest restrictions on working hours adopted by the government.

Mark Adam Harold, chairman of the Vilnius Night Alliance, which represents the capital’s nightlife venues, also said that because working hours will be shortened, it simply won’t pay for many clubs in the capital to work starting Monday.

“It’s not really worth working in nightclubs. Sure, there are multi-functional places like, for example, Hook that have a restaurant and a conference room, so maybe they can operate, but, like Opium, which only opens at 11 pm, I can’t imagine what will do, ”the spokesman said.

According to him, it would have been far more prudent to close the bars completely, compensate them and offer downtime to workers, rather than partially closing the sector.

“There is a question I ask everyone: is there at least one city in the world where time constraints would work? Nobody knows because there is no such city.

We are currently consulting with academics, lawyers or going to court. It is clear that the government should discuss such measures with the companies and that they cannot judge us without us, and the Minister openly says that he does not need to consult with the companies. Is a lie.

“The main reason we plan to apply is that an unreasonable and disproportionate measure has been introduced to reduce working hours, so there is no evidence that it works,” said Mark Adam Harold.

Publishing staff also contacted bars such as Piano Man Bar, Piano Man Outside, Alchemist Cocktail Lab, Gringo Pub, and others. co-owner Saulius Galdikas. He said that the temporary closure of business on Monday will not be, as he assured, now the most important thing is to get the final operating rules.

“At the moment, we plan to act in October, of course, if we don’t close them all, and then we will react according to the situation. The performance of each bar must be judged individually based on how unprofitable it is to operate.

We talked to the staff, now we will finish as is, and then according to the situation. Maybe there are still surprises like, say, 10 square meters. area per person ”, he commented.

Focus on earnings at night

Matas Puodžiūnas, co-owner of the Materialistė nightclub, which closes on Monday, explained that all the bars he runs are focused on late-night earnings, after 24 hours.

“90 percent. All revenue is received after midnight, some of which open only at 11 pm, as ‘materialistic,’ which is the 24-hour time limit.” It’s just a quiet saying from the state that We will not be able to work from Monday, “said the businessman.

He said the company did not listen to any suggestions from the state about what to do with the staff or the rental of the bar premises.

“The quarantine has not been announced, the tenants say that since there is no quarantine, there are no discounts. Even without these restrictions, we have only kept our word of honor.

I heard everything only through knowledge, but what to do with 90 employees and rent, we decided. I would like to know if there will be subsidies, etc., because now it turns out that this is the only sector in Lithuania that will not be able to work.

I understand that maybe this sector is being demonized, because people come here to have a good time, but for us it will be much more painful than the first quarantine, when all of Lithuania was sitting at home. Now we will sit alone and the others will wait, “he said, assuring that several photos of Vilnius street during the weekend with the” sea of ​​people “do not reflect the real situation.

“People are alarmed and the number of visitors has dropped significantly. People are safe and do not go, and shortening the day is the worst solution for us, knowing that we have coordinated everything with the municipality before.

The National Center for Public Health has urged us to buy thermal imaging cameras, we have spent 4 thousand euros and today we no longer need it. Or maybe we could sell it to them again? We spent the money, we worked very well during the weekend and now we feel very cheated, ”said M. Puodžiūnas.

The businessman explained that in general he only learned of such decisions about the reduction of working hours by the media.

“It’s very strange because no one informed us.

Now we have asked the Government to confirm how long these plans are here, “he said.

Introduced restrictions

The editorial recalls that as the number of coronavirus infections in the country is growing rapidly, the government began on Wednesday to tighten restrictions: the government decided that visitor registration will be mandatory not only at events, but also at events. public catering establishments.

Then-Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, as ELTA wrote, said that the control mechanism for the implementation of this requirement may be different, but more importantly, no.

“The control mechanism itself can be varied, both the units selected by the municipality and the police, but we should not talk about that. It is not by the State or public authorities that this is being done. This is done for our own good, because the more untraceable the contacts, the greater the diffusion and the greater challenges our public life will have, ”Skvernelis said at a remote press conference on Wednesday.

In addition, according to the prime minister, service providers will need to ensure visitor registration, but visitors should also be interested in it.

“I think it will be guaranteed by the provider of these services and only by ourselves: everyone who wants to enter, visit. We must leave those contacts for a very simple reason. (…) The number of diseases is growing and it is difficult to find contacts and determine the directions of spread, ”said S. Skvernelis.

Visitor registration is established by a government resolution in free time, entertainment, events, catering and other places.

The government decree also shortens the opening hours of catering establishments, restaurants, cafes, bars, discos and other entertainment venues: these establishments will be open from 7 to 24 hours.

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