Thousands of the population may need: what benefits are due to the coronavirus and its consequences


Almost every day this week, new registrations of the Covid-19 disease were announced. In addition, quarantine was reintroduced in some municipalities. Additional restrictions also apply to shopping, catering and entertainment venues.

In addition, more and more cases are registered in educational institutions. Again, there is talk that some children will have to learn at a distance.

The portal asked the Ministry of Social Security and Labor what benefits residents have if they themselves get sick, have to isolate themselves and take care of children. Here are the answers prepared by your specialists.

Does sickness benefit accrue for employees with business licenses or individual activity when diagnosed with coronavirus?

The main condition: the right to receive sickness benefit belongs to all people who have been temporarily incapacitated for work and, as a consequence, have lost their income, who pay social security contributions due to sickness and who have accumulated at least 3 months before the date of temporary incapacity for work. Social Security history for the previous year or at least 6 months. duration of social security in the last 2 years.

Social security contributions for sickness are paid and benefits can be received by: • Employees with a work contract, public officials, civil servants. • Receive royalties, income from sports or activities. • Carrying out individual activities. • Sole proprietorships, members of small businesses, and other partnerships. • Family participants. • Farmers and their partners with a farm of at least 4 ESU. • Artists of working age.

Trade certificate holders, farmers and their partners with a stake of less than 4 ESU do not pay sickness contributions and are therefore not entitled to benefits.

In which cases are sickness benefits paid to the population?

Sickness benefits can be paid not only in the event of illness or injury to the individual, but also when the adult needs to isolate himself due to a contagious disease, cannot work remotely and has not been declared inactive (up to 14 days) . Or if you need to take care of a child under the age of 4 (inclusive) or a disabled person under the age of 21 who needs to be isolated (for a maximum of 14 days).

In addition, when doors are closed during quarantine, institutions must care for a child under the fourth grade, a child with a disability under the age of 21, as well as adults with disabilities or older people who have visited daycare centers (provided that educational institutions or nurseries are not open).

Additionally, benefits may be paid after an educational institution has announced a regime to limit the spread of infections due to illness causing an emergency in the country, quarantine, and a child under fourth grade or a child under 21 years of age. must be taken care of. (while this mode lasts). Also when it is necessary to care for a sick child under 14 years of age. (up to 14 days, in case of serious illness longer) or another member of the family (up to 7 days).

Would extending the children’s leave to one week give parents the opportunity to care for them that week and receive sickness benefit?

According to the government’s decision, after a week of vacation, distance education will only apply to students in grades 5-12. No disability is granted for the care of children of this age. Younger children will go to school normally after the holidays.

In municipalities where the quarantine has been announced, if parents switch to universal distance education, parents, guardians and grandparents working for children under fourth grade and children under 21 years. You can obtain a certificate of incapacity for work and sickness benefit.

At the same time, we note that during the children’s fall holidays, when there is no child rearing, no certificates of incapacity for work will be issued for childcare and sickness benefits will not be paid.

What is the amount of sickness benefits available to the population?

The amounts of sickness benefits are as follows (calculated from the salary “on paper”): • During the first 2 days of sickness for those who work with employment contracts: from 62.06 to 100 percent. (employer). • For adults from the third day of temporary incapacity for work: 62.06 percent. (Sodra). • For the care and nursing of other people from the first day of temporary work disability – 65.94%. (Sodra) • Due to the illness of employees who have unavoidable contact with infected people after the third day of temporary work disability – 77.58 percent. (Sodra).

If a self-employed person pays contributions not monthly but once a year, they are awarded a minimum sickness benefit and, after reporting income, Sodra reviews the sickness benefit decision and pays the difference, if any.

If quarantines are announced in individual areas, what benefits will be available to workers who will not be able to work remotely as a result?

As mentioned, in municipalities where quarantine has been announced and where there is a transition to universal distance education, working parents, caregivers and grandparents will be able to receive certificates of sick leave and sick benefits for children under 4 years of age. and caring for children under the age of 21.

The quarantine announced in individual municipalities does not in itself mean that employees will not be able to work a normal job, it only means that employers will have to take further care of occupational safety and management of employee flows, guarantee distances and provide measures of security.

However, if the employer cannot provide the employee with the work stipulated in the employment contract, he can declare the downtime and apply for a subsidy from the Employment Service. This can be done throughout Lithuania, not just in municipalities where quarantine has been announced.

After quarantine, a person suffering from a serious chronic illness who, during quarantine, is at risk of developing COVID-19 in the course of his professional activities and is not in a position to work remotely or has not been declared free You are entitled to a certificate of disability and sickness benefit from your employer.

For how long are these benefits paid?

When a person becomes ill with an illness or temporarily loses their ability to work due to an injury, Sodra pays sickness benefits from the third day of illness until recovery and, in more serious cases, until the day the sickness is determined. level of work ability or the first day in a vocational rehabilitation program.

Employees with an employment contract are paid by the employer for the first few days of illness, while those who are self-employed do not receive payment for these two days.

In which cases can they be declared inactive, for how long and for how long?

Employee downtime can be declared not only during quarantine but also during emergencies. This means that currently throughout Lithuania, employers can declare employees’ downtime and apply for subsidies from the Employment Service if they find that they cannot provide the employee with the work stipulated in the employment contract.

During downtime, the employee may not be required to perform job duties and must pay at least the minimum wage for the full rate of work time.

In the event of downtime during an emergency or quarantine, an allowance can be obtained for the salary of the downtime worker:

• 90 percent. of the employee’s earned salary, but not more than 607 euros gross or 100%, but not more than 6060 euros gross, if the employee is 60 years old. and older. • 70 percent. of the employee’s earned salary, but not more than 910.5 euros gross.

The allowance is paid until the employee returns from downtime or until the emergency is over.

When an employee returns from downtime, the employer can take advantage of other allowances to help pay and re-enter after a break. They are paid until 2020. December 31

What support might, for example, those working in business licenses or self-employment be eligible if it were decided, for example, to close markets?

The self-employed can receive a monthly allowance of 257 euros after the government declares quarantine and emergency.
