Important day: Construction began on the country’s only science museum on Nemunas Island


Construction of the first science and innovation popularization center “Mokslo sala” in Lithuania began on Thursday with the symbolic burial of the capsule. Exclusive design 11.5 mil. kv. meters from the museum building will feature permanent and changing interactive exhibits, a unique virtual projection space, STEAM labs and cafes. The total value of the project is about 32 million. and the opening is scheduled for 2022.

Millions are better invested

“The future of our country is unimaginable without science and innovation. Therefore, we hope that the Center for the Disclosure of Science and Innovation to be established in Kaunas will become a unique place of national scientific disclosure, an interactive attraction center that stimulates interest in science and technology, a true island of science that will contribute to the birth of future innovations. These are the best millions invested, which will come back as the success of Lithuania “, said Algirdas Monkevičius, Minister of Education, Science and Sports, at the capsule burial ceremony.

The Minister thanked the city of Kaunas and its leaders for the leadership shown in the “harmonization of Lithuania”. According to A. Monkevičius, it is on the island of Nemunas that the harmony between sport, health and science can be seen very clearly. The future science popularization center will be the pride of all of Lithuania, where children and adults from a minority will not only see, but will also experience contact with the possibilities and phenomena of science.

“It seems that 2022 will be a really special year for Kaunas. We will become the European Capital of Culture, the doors will be opened by the S. Darius and S. Girėnas stadiums, a multifunctional nautical sports center and the” Mokslo room “. We have worked for a long time and steadily to implement these projects. One thing is clear: without a fruitful dialogue with Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and strong support from the government, we would not have achieved half of our goals, “said Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis about the positive changes in Kaunas.

City of Kaunas municipal photo

Exceptional architectural solutions

Today, several dozen units of heavy equipment are working on Nemunas Island, which has become a large construction site. Excess soil is being transported from the Mokslo hall construction site, piles are being drilled and rainwater pipes will be installed soon.

Juozas Kriaučiūnas, director of the Autokausta company, which is building a science museum with funds from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and the budget of the city of Kaunas, assured that the construction of the facility will be completed on time. According to the contractors, the exceptional architectural building will serve not only Kaunas, but also the whole of Lithuania for many years.

The A ++ energy efficiency class building was designed by the Spanish and Australian architecture firm SMAR Architecture Studio, and the technical part is being implemented by a team led by the architect Gintautas Natkevičius. “Mokslo sala” became the first object in Kaunas and across the country, for which an international architectural ideas competition was opened, which opened up opportunities to receive bids from architects from all over the world.

These are the best millions invested that will come back as the success of Lithuania.

The exterior of the building will be dominated by concrete and glass, but much of the museum’s roof will be planted, blending in with the general relief of Nemunas Island, and it will be possible to walk on it. The decoration of the building will be a “disk” about 30 meters in diameter, leaning over the entrance to the museum. This will probably be the most expensive part of the building.

“Metal beams will be made especially for this accent, as the base of the disc will be much heavier than the top to keep the weight balanced. Another no less impressive part is the exhibition hall, which will surprise visitors with its space and volume, ”said Vilius Šiliauskas, director of the Kaunas Municipal Administration.

Preparing for the exhibition purchase

Inside the scientific center, a space for virtual projections will be highlighted. The visualizations will be used to present various natural phenomena, such as a journey through the ocean floor, the jungle, or even the human body.

“I guarantee that you will forget your time when you arrive at this place. Normally, in museums you cannot touch anything with your hand, but it will be the other way around: visitors will be encouraged to touch and feel everything first, and only later, if they are interested, to read about the phenomenon or object. Everything here will be experienced while drinking and playing, ”said architect Prof., member of the Kaunas City Council. Jonas Audėjaitis.

According to him, the Center for the Dissemination of Science and Innovation will complete the urban formation of Nemunas Island and open the doors of science to both children and adults.

The purchase of a permanent exhibition will be announced early next year. The winner of the contest must design and install an exhibition of 7 themes. Most of the spaces in the Science Museum will be for children between the ages of 7 and 14, but the adults who visit will not be disappointed either. With a display of over 150 exhibits, the exhibit is designed in such a way that complex phenomena and scientific achievements can be understood by simply trying them out for yourself.

The issue of sustainable development will dominate

The theme of the Science Center will cover three thematic axes: “Man” (development and achievements of the life sciences), “Machine” (development and technological achievements), “Ecology and nature” (earth, air, space, water, fire, animal). Based on the concept of sustainable development, the exhibition will cover a total of 7 themes.

Visitors will be able to learn first-hand how the human body works, what health challenges we face, and how various technologies are used to live longer. The exhibition will touch on many topics relevant to humanity, where and how food gets to our table, what we will eat in the future. Visitors to the museum will get acquainted with the natural phenomena that affect our lives. Another important issue is how the habits of the earth’s population affect the environment, what visible and invisible pollution surrounds us and how it can be avoided.

“In the energy exhibition, we will not only learn from what different sources and how electricity is generated, how it is transmitted and stored, but we will also do it ourselves in practice, looking for the most efficient ways of generating energy,” said J Audjaitis.

Photo of the municipality of the city of Kaunas.

Another part of the exhibition will be dedicated to transport. Why planes fly, balloons take off, machines move forward, and ships don’t sink. At the museum, visitors will learn about the laws of science that govern movement around the world, while looking for ways to move more harmoniously. No less important is the movement not only by means of transport but also by invisible communication, so there will be an opportunity to learn how information transmission systems such as the Internet work.

The youngest visitors to the center, who cannot read or count yet, but are especially curious and curious, will not be forgotten in the science center. In the specially adapted part of the exhibition, scientific phenomena will be presented in colors, sounds and adventures.

STEAM laboratories

Another unique highlight that will characterize “Science Island” are the so-called STEAM labs. They will be able to participate in formal education lessons, as well as various clubs and other extracurricular activities.

“In the biology-chemistry, physics-engineering, computer-robotics and smart city laboratories, students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, all equipment and the program will be coordinated with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports. These laboratories will operate in the common system of STEAM centers in Lithuania, coordinating activities in 10 regions of Lithuania ”, emphasized J. Audėjaitis.

The Science Museum Island, which will undoubtedly become a center of attraction for Kaunas residents and tourists, is expected to attract some 300,000 people a year. visitors.

Photo of the municipality of the city of Kaunas.
