Reducing working hours for some companies will mean closing – support is still being negotiated


Matas Puodžiūnas, co-owner of Bardakas and Sanatorija and Materialistė bars Delphi He commented Thursday that he would no longer be able to work due to time constraints.

“All of our bars are accentuated at night, 90 percent. all revenue is received after midnight some of which only open at 11pm which is the cut off time to operate until 12pm it is simply a state of silence saying that as of Monday probably none of our bars will be able to work again.

We did not hear any suggestions from the state on what to do with employees or rent. The quarantine has not been announced, the tenants say that since there is no quarantine, there are no discounts. Even without these restrictions, we have only kept our word of honor. I heard everything only through knowledge, but what to do with 90 employees and rent, we decided. I would like to know if there will be any subsidies, etc. Asked the businessman.

Delphi He asked the Ministry of Economy and Innovation what support these businesses will receive, which will not be able to operate in reality due to the restrictions introduced. The response received indicates that the Ministry of Economy and Innovation is currently monitoring the situation and analyzing which sectors will suffer the most and what support they could provide.

It is recognized that, although there is no total prohibition of activities and many sectors can work, catering establishments, discos, which are limited to 24 hours, passenger transport and the organization of events are the ones that suffer the most.

All businesses are believed to be subject to the same downtime procedures and allowances for them.

“We want to reassure companies, employers who create jobs, that by January 1. The procedure for the payment of inactivity subsidies is applied. Downtime continues with the same scheme: 90 percent. Paid a wage subsidy of up to MMA, or 70 per cent. up to 1.5 MMA. The same procedure applies to members of small communities. Unemployment benefits are paid to people who have lost their jobs and have applied for the employment, and job search benefits are paid until December 31, inclusive, ”says Jekaterina Rojaka, Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation.

It is added that the company will have the opportunity to defer the payment of taxes until March. For those who this measure is relevant, they should contact the STI directly, more information can be found here.

Regarding additional aid to companies affected by the second wave of COVID-19, it is said that the Ministry of Economy and Innovation is preparing to propose to the Government a scheme similar to that of the first wave.

“It should be understood that partial quarantine is not introduced in all municipalities, but its duration varies, so considering that it is a short-term restriction of activities and only in some sectors, we calculate which sectors would suffer the most and who really needs that help .

We believe that in this case, the most appropriate option would be to use those measures that were built during the first wave and that were successful: soft loans and subsidies, but the final decision must be made by the Government. We will consult with companies and social partners and respond promptly to the situation and make proposals for business support to the Government. ” Delphi commented by J. Rojaka.

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