Changes are inevitable: quarantined municipalities are already applying stricter controls


Roma Žakaitienė, director of the Association of Municipalities, told BNS that the Ministry of Health had warned the country’s self-government only that the “traffic light” principle discussed in the European Union would be applied to assess the spread of the coronavirus in municipalities, but so far he did not provide clearer details.

“How exactly will those colors be arranged, what exactly can be done, what will it be, we didn’t really combine it or who asked us. As the indicators are completely European, the only thing that is clear is that if there is already a red zone, it is quarantine, “he said.

The Government, which introduced quarantine with 12 Raseiniai municipalities in the country, indicates in the resolution that the intensity of public transport routes and the number of passengers are limited in these municipalities, people are obliged to wear masks in closed public places, not to gather more than five. It is forbidden to visit patients in medical and assistance institutions, the authorities are instructed to work remotely, it is required to ensure distances between people and other security measures at the points of sale and provision of services.

According to R. Žakaitienė, as of Wednesday municipalities did not know whether local quarantines would be as strict as universal or simpler, and municipalities still have doubts about some recommendations.

“According to the draft resolution, which we only saw at the government meeting, we see that there is still information of a recommended nature that must be followed. But municipalities must take responsibility that these recommendations are not only put on paper, but are actually implemented, ”said R. Žakaitienė.

Audrius Klišonis, the mayor of the Plungė district municipality, who has entered the red zone, says that he is still waiting for the final version of the resolution, because the provisions included in it and the statements of the heads of government differ.

“The draft of the document that we received, and what we heard at the government meeting yesterday, was different, there were many new things, so we are waiting for an official document. There were also questions about quarantine in schools and kindergartens, because we have already applied a lot, both the restriction of events that we introduced a good week ago and the introduction of distance learning in various educational institutions where we had fireplaces, “he said.

“If it is treated in such a way that you can go alone to work, to an educational institution, to a pharmacy, it can be quite complicated for public catering and other services, such as hairdressing,” said the mayor.

He’s also not sure whether healthcare facilities will be reimbursed under the so-called one-twelfth principle when services are restricted, as he says there may be problems with paying for anti-coronavirus doctors and other “technical details of concern.”

“But we are well prepared and the limitations are somewhere equal to or even greater than those proposed by the Government. What is going to change is that there will be distance education, probably for everyone, and that worries us, because kindergartens, primary classes, if they are forced to do so, will not be entirely good, because we are an industrial city , the industry is entering (…). And there are, for example, on the campuses of educational institutions, where there is no case of COVID. And for everyone to work remotely, I think it’s a bit excessive. “Said A. Klišonis.

However, he says the introduction of the quarantine “should not lead to radical changes.”

Gintautas Gegužinskas, mayor of Pasvalys district, who will be quarantined from Monday, also emphasizes the lack of clearer communication from the central government.

“These things, which must be done in the municipalities with the highest incidence of diseases, must somehow be discussed in advance, not saying that everything will happen that way. But we have a focus on the police, from that focus and there are those diseases (…). And due to the restrictions, we will suspend public social life, as established in the recommendations, ”he said.

According to him, so far the decisions of the operations manager do not prohibit the participation of spectators in events with pre-registration, so it is not known if, for example, nothing will change due to the club basketball competitions in the district.

The mayor says that most of the changes due to the quarantine will be felt due to canceled groups, limited entertainment like an indoor pool, and about half of the staff in the township will also work remotely.

“There are no major changes. But when you hear that you are ‘red’, you will probably stumble a little. We will do what is regulated. But, let’s say a music school, a sports school, activities for children, rehearsals at the Casa de la Cultura , we have already limited it this week, “said G. Gegužinskas.

The cabinet approved on Wednesday the criteria according to which the municipalities will be divided into groups of green, yellow and red zones. The quarantine will be introduced only for municipalities in the red zone, that is, where the incidence of COVID-19 in two weeks would reach 50 and more cases per 100,000. population, the proportion of positive investigations would be 4%. and more, or the incidence would be more than 150 cases. An additional criterion is that they must detect at least ten cases of coronavirus per week.

According to the new methodology, the quarantine is introduced as of Monday in the territories of Elektrėnai, Joniškis district, Jurbarkas district, Kelmė district, Klaipėda district, Kretinga district, Marijampolė, Pasvalys district, Plungė district, district of Skuodas, Šiauliai district, municipalities of the Švenčionys district. Previously, by decision of the Government, quarantine was introduced in Raseiniai.

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