The Commission on Emergency Situations has decided: how will life change in Klaipeda?


The Klaipeda Commission on Emergency Situations decided on Wednesday that Klaipeda residents will have to live differently for some time as they approved a 10-point plan of measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. This plan includes both the transfer of work and activities to a virtual space and the prohibition of visiting patients.

Tensions over the spread of the coronavirus are mounting and efforts are being made to protect treatment facilities, which will prohibit patient visits. Photo by Martynas Vainorius

At delivery: in stricter conditions.

“We are about to enter the quarantine zone, there is very little left. If we don’t take effective action in time, we could find ourselves in the red zone very quickly. Therefore, the Klaipėda municipal administration together with the public health center has prepared a package of measures that we hope will contribute to stopping the spread of the disease, ”said Gintaras Neniškis, director of the Klaipėda municipal administration and head of the Commission. of Emergency Situations.

This commission decided that all Klaip munda state and municipal institutions and enterprises organize their work and serve customers only remotely, except for functions where it is absolutely necessary to perform them at workplaces. All inquiries must also be made remotely and, if this is not possible, all guarantees must be observed.

Employees of these institutions and companies are also prohibited from taking business trips, and seminars can only be attended remotely.

The Emergency Commission also decided to prohibit patients from visiting inpatient facilities. Only dying patients will be able to visit, in other words, terminally ill patients.

The Commission also tightened the conditions for family members to participate in childbirth. It is stated that a mother can receive support during childbirth from a close person who has a negative response to the COVID-19 test within 48 hours. The procedure now is that the test result should not be older than 72 hours.

“Epidemiologically, there should be no assistance. The test is done, but within those 48 hours, the person can become infected and the symptoms only clear up after a few days, but the infected person will already be in labor. Nothing would happen if no one participated in the delivery, ”said Raimundas Grigaliūnas, Director of the Klaipėda Department of the National Center for Public Health.

However, G. Neniškis stated that the Emergency Situations Commission proposes to tighten the conditions, they would be stricter than in the whole of Lithuania, so such a restriction requires the permission of the Government or the Head of the Operations Center.

Different opinions on the facts

The Emergency Commission decided to bar access to residents of nursing homes and care other than the dying. The institutions are obliged to organize the communication of their residents with their distant relatives.

The Commission has also decided that cultural institutions, children’s clubs, clubs and study activities should be organized remotely.

R. Grigaliūnas asked where the proposal submitted by the Center for Public Health to ban all events had disappeared.

“Does this mean that there can be no fairs or pumpkins?” Clarified G. Neniškis.

R. Grigaliūnas stated that it is really convenient to ban all events that take place in public spaces in Klaipeda, because it is impossible to control the people who participate in them. Kristina Vintilaitė, Head of the Public Order Department of Klaipėda Municipality, also shared this opinion. According to her, a lot of events are actually taking place in Klaipeda and new requests for permission to organize them are still being sent.

“We certainly will not ban until we receive a decision from the Government or the Operations Center on this issue,” said K. Vintilaitė.

And although the opinions of the members of the commission differed, it was agreed to look for a wording on the prohibition of events that would satisfy everyone, and then present it to the Government.

Sports facilities pass strict restrictions. The Commission has ruled that all sports facilities must stop physical customer service if it is not possible to measure the temperature for customers, it is not possible to guarantee a safe distance of 2 meters.

“Keeping a distance of 2 meters means that there will be no contact training,” said G. Neniškis.

However, he stressed that this restriction does not apply to professional sports, so “Neptūnas”, “Dragūnas” training and competitions may be held.

All restrictions are expected to go into effect on Monday.

“Some restrictions are within the competence of the municipality and some will require a request to the Government. The most important thing is that we all agree that such restrictions are necessary in the city, we will try to get a permit for them”, summarized G. Neniškis.

Tensions are rising

R. Grigaliūnas also presented the latest statistics on the coronavirus situation in Klaipėda at the meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations. According to him, according to data from Wednesday morning, the level of coronavirus in Klaipėda reaches 97.2 cases per 100,000 cases. population, and in Lithuania this indicator is 98.6.

“Compared with October 15, that indicator in Klaipeda increased three times, because a week ago it was 31 cases per 100,000. population. And the number of cases of the disease increases almost every hour ”, R, Grigaliūnas illustrated the seriousness of the situation in figures.

According to him, there are currently 27 coronavirus outbreaks in Klaipeda. 20 of them are in educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, kindergartens). There are three fireplaces in sports facilities and three in medical facilities.

“We see that the virus spreads more in various trainings and competitions for children. It also spreads in events and meetings. Various diseases occur after contact with a patient who does not yet know that he is sick. It is a pity that people do not follow the recommendations and keep celebrating birthdays, various holidays, participate everywhere, so the virus is spreading, ”said R. Grigaliūnas.

According to Vins Janušonis, chief physician of the Klaipėda University Hospital, 33 “covid” patients are currently being treated in the hospital, three of them are in the intensive care unit and the condition of one patient is very complicated.

“The number of patients is growing day by day, we have prepared 105 beds, but we can accept between 80 and 90 patients, because there cannot be several people in the rooms, except members of the same family. We certainly have places today, but the tension is building. And it is increasing because infected patients are admitted to the hospital for scheduled care. Yesterday we had an infected mother, it is a case of import from Sweden. Today we have a patient in the Department of Pathology of Pregnancy. In other buildings, the situation is also difficult, but perhaps a little better than in other cities ”, said V. Janušonis.

Quarantine announced

At its meeting on Wednesday, the government also made a series of decisions to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The most significant of them is the quarantine announced in 12 municipalities. Advertised in Elektrknai, Joniškis district, Jurbarkas district, Kelmė district, Klaipėda district, Kretinga district, Marijampolė, Pasvalys district, Plungė district, Skuodas district, Šiauliai district, Švenčionys district municipalities, as well as the quarantine extends in the Raseiniai district municipality.

The duration of the quarantine regime is from October 26. 0 hrs. Until the 9 of november. 24 hours; In the municipality of the Raseiniai district, until 6 November. 24 hours

Following the recommendations of international organizations, the Government approved the division of municipalities into three zones according to epidemiological indicators: yellow, green and red. In the municipalities included in the red zone, in order to control the spread of the coronavirus, local quarantine may be issued and the activities of the population restricted.

Municipalities are expected to begin assigning the incidence of coronavirus starting next week. The municipalities will be evaluated according to three criteria: a 14-day morbidity rate of 100,000. the percentage of the population that tested positive within 7 days and the percentage of non-outbreak / outbreak-related cases within 7 days.

The government also approved on Wednesday a project prepared by the Interior Ministry to stop the spread of the coronavirus infection by imposing additional restrictions for the next two weeks, before November 8.

This project is complemented by the regulation of commerce, the provision of services, the organization of leisure and events, including gambling houses and slot machines, bingo halls and betting points. These facilities will also be subject to flow management, safe distance and other necessary measures established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level to prevent the coronavirus infection from spreading to these locations.

The mandatory registration of visitors to places of leisure, entertainment, events, catering and other places has been established by a government resolution.

The opening hours of catering establishments, restaurants, cafes, bars, discos and other entertainment venues will also be reduced: these establishments will be open from 7 to 24 hours.

There will be no restrictions on opening hours for take-out or other food delivery to the casino and slot machines, bingo halls and gambling venues, unless catering is provided at these locations .

The updated Government Resolution also provides for changes in the organization and implementation of educational activities. Until November 8 of this year. Education in schools for primary and secondary education programs will take place remotely. In other words, one week starting October 26, students will be leaving and the next they will study remotely.

Non-formal education for children and adults will also be at a distance or will be suspended. It is recommended to carry out higher education study programs also remotely.
