Two new support measures: DELFI Agro


The RDP will be complemented by a new instrument, “Exceptional temporary support to farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 crisis.” Since some agricultural sectors involved in primary production and affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have already received public support, this temporary measure aims to address liquidity problems that compromise the viability of agriculture and small businesses and farms. says the report.

The measure is intended to support around 1.9 thousand. small food producers.

The maximum amount of support will not exceed 7 thousand. Eur for an applicant farmer (natural or legal person engaged in agricultural activity) and natural person who carries out an activity independently according to the certificate of activity or the individual activity registered. For a very small and small business (legal entity, regardless of its legal form) the amount will not exceed 18 thousand. EUR. All support conditions can be found in the rules for implementing the measure, which can be found here.

A total of 33.14 million euros has been allocated to the measure. euros. Applications are collected from October 19. until November 20.

The European Commission has also agreed that the scope of the PDR measure “Investments in tangible assets” “Support for investments in agricultural holdings” should include the possibility of providing soft loan support for investment projects and working capital. It is planned to allocate 8 million. The PDR funds are also expected to attract at least € 2 million. funds from financial intermediaries. Young farmers, small farms, as well as beneficiaries who are already implementing projects under this activity affected by the Covid-19 pandemic will be more favorable to obtain a soft loan. Information on the conditions and the assistance procedure will be provided in the near future.

Additional funding is also provided for RDP forestry measures. An additional LTL 3 million is planned to be allocated for youth development needs and investments in forestry technologies. euros.

In order to guarantee the uninterrupted payment of the aid, 4.5 million LTL has been allocated to the measure of the PDR “Payments for areas with natural barriers or other specific barriers”. additional national funds.

Funds for all measures have been redistributed from RDP measures and activities for which a lower than intended use of funds is expected.

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