Pharmacist explains: how to distinguish between a cold and COVID-19 | Lifetime


– How do I know that I am receiving sufficient protection against COVID-19?

– First of all, personal hygiene is important. Here are some simple tips: wash your hands frequently with soap and water, if you don’t have the opportunity, use disinfectants, ventilate your house regularly. Some develop the habit of measuring temperature periodically; of course this won’t hurt.

Another important aspect is to behave fairly and responsibly in public. Wear a mask in crowded places. In general, it helps to ask yourself the question: Do I really feel a great need to go to places where a lot of people congregate? Rather, avoid mass meetings where it is difficult to follow security recommendations.

Well, finally, keep in mind that during a pandemic, those who build resilience to stressful situations and are constantly concerned with strengthening their immune systems feel more secure.

– How to distinguish a simple cold from COVID-19?

– If you start to sneeze, your throat hurts, you sneeze and you cough, you may be anxious: did you just have a cold or is it already COVID-19? All the listed symptoms are similar to COVID-19, but when you are infected with coronavirus, there are additional specific symptoms: shortness of breath, muscle aches, weakness, drowsiness, loss of taste and smell, and high body temperature.

If you think you may be infected with COVID-19, call your GP, who will register you at a fever clinic. You can also call the coronavirus 1808 hotline.

– How can I properly isolate myself if it turns out that I have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19?

– If you have been in contact with an infected person for more than 15 minutes, you must isolate yourself.

Stay home for two weeks, do not go to any public place and inform your colleagues at the office, school or university.

If you don’t live alone, try to keep a safe distance of at least 2 meters from your home. Even at home, it is recommended to wear a protective mask, have your own towel, do not share dishes, tools, be in a separate room.

Eat healthy at home, take vitamins that boost your immune system, and if you’re feeling good, develop a routine to follow.

– How to reduce anxiety about COVID-19?

– It is normal to feel anxious. It is important to prevent it from spreading, it must be reduced. One of the simple but very effective tips is to stop getting all the scary news, otherwise you will be constantly surrounded by negative information. To find out what is most important, choose one or two reliable sources and check the information no more than twice a day. Follow your usual routine as much as possible. If you work from home, try to separate work and rest areas and clearly define working hours.

Anxiety is often associated with insecurity – if you’re worried about what tomorrow will bring, focus on the things you can control today: your visit to public places, wearing protective gear, and maintaining a safe distance.

– What to do after feeling the first symptoms of a cold?

– If you experience the first symptoms of a cold, it is best to call your family doctor and discuss what to do next. As for the home pharmacy, it is always helpful to have a packet of lozenges for a sore throat as well as cough relievers. If you have a runny nose, have a runny nose – seawater is great for washing your nose. Medicines containing the active ingredients paracetamol or ibuprofen are suitable for treating fever.

– How to behave correctly to prevent colds or flu?

– With the onset of the cold season, it becomes especially important to strengthen the immune system: vitamins C and D, as well as B vitamins, are especially useful here. Don’t forget about the essential minerals like selenium, magnesium, zinc. Many are looking for quick tricks on how to boost immunity. I am disappointed that it is difficult to find anything more effective in this area than the long-established methods: being outdoors, being physically active, clothing suitable for the weather, and a proper and varied diet.

– How long does a cold usually last?

Cold symptoms and the course of the disease can be quite different. But recovery usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.

– What if I can’t call a doctor?

– If you only have a cold, you can consult your pharmacist, and you can do this over the phone. If you suspect you may be infected with COVID-19, call the coronavirus hotline at 1808.

– Allow a child to go to kindergarten or school if they sneeze easily?

– It is still popular to think that a runny nose is not a disease, but it is not true. Rhinitis is a symptom of an upper respiratory infection and should not be examined. A depressed child infects those around him with infectious agents. Children around them can react to a shared virus in very different ways, as the susceptibility and resistance of the organisms vary: one child may develop a mild runny nose, and another may even develop bronchitis. Therefore, if the child is overworked, it would be good not to take him to an educational institution.

– What advice would you give to common sense to defeat a pandemic?

– Strengthen immunity; adhere to all safety measures and encourage others to do so; take care of your psychological health and support your loved ones. In general, the golden rule would be to learn to live more consciously, with the safeguards used correctly, without drastically changing your normal routine and lifestyle.

Let’s get used to thinking positive things: positivity is one of the contagious things that you don’t have to worry about.

VIDEO: How to distinguish flu from colds?
