Klaipeda has been lucky so far: he has avoided quarantine: the city has found itself in the yellow zone


On Wednesday morning, the Government sent a draft resolution to Klaipeda leaders “On the announcement of quarantine in the territories of some municipalities”. According to him, the quarantine should have been announced in Klaipeda, but after the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the port city was removed from this list.

The port city is in the yellow zone.

According to the initial list, Elektrėnai, Joniškis district, Jurbarkas district, Kaunas city, Kaunas district, Klaipėda district, Klaipėda city, Kretinga district, Marijampolė, Pasvalys districts, Plungė district and Skuodas, Šiauliai district and Šiauliai city, Švenčionys city and Vilnius city In the district municipalities, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania planned to announce the quarantine.

However, later large cities were removed from this list: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda and the districts of Vilnius and Kaunas.

In the remaining municipalities that have entered the red zone, the quarantine will be introduced on Monday.

The duration of the quarantine regime is from October 26. 00 hrs. until 2020 November 9 24 hours

Those municipalities have restrictions on the flow of passengers in public transport, as well as prohibitions on swarms, a distance of two meters except at funerals and the use of masks in all closed public spaces for all people over six years of age, with the Except for the disabled who eat in cafes.

The situation is quite complicated

A meeting of the Commission on Emergency Situations was held in Klaipeda, where it was discussed how we will have to live here and what restrictions we will have to abide by in the next two weeks.

The hospital is ready to receive up to 90 more patients.

There were 31 people infected with COVID-19 in Klaipeda seven days ago, today there are 3 times more.

Today, Wednesday, 42 new cases of contagion were registered in the port city.

There are currently 27 coronation fireplaces in Klaipeda, 20 of them in educational institutions (11 schools, 2 universities, 2 colleges, 4 kindergartens).

It has been established that children are mainly infected in extracurricular activities, during training competitions, in art groups.

Klaipeda University Hospital is currently treating 33 patients with COVID-19, 3 in the intensive care unit, one patient has a very serious condition, and 6 patients are receiving oxygen.

The hospital is ready to receive up to 90 more patients.

According to the head of the hospital Vins Janušonis, every day new patients with COVID-19 are registered during planned medical care.

There is a sick mother who came from Sweden and a pregnant woman who is being treated in hospital is also infected.

By evaluating children and their mothers at Klaipėda Children’s Hospital before planned operations, COVID-19 was determined for four mothers and two children.

However, the hospital director is more concerned about outbreaks in educational institutions, since most infected children become asymptomatic when there is not even a high temperature.

Plans for two weeks

Although a temporary quarantine has not been introduced in Klaipėda municipality, the Extreme Commission meeting confirmed that business trips and live communication with interested parties will be rejected in state and municipal institutions for the next two weeks from Monday, and meetings will be held remotely.

Visits to hospitals, care centers or nursing are again prohibited, except by will of the dying person. In that case, it will be possible to visit it only for one person.

A person planning to give birth will need to take the COVID-19 test no later than 48 hours before arrival at the hospital.

The extracurricular circles of the students will go back up to the virtual space.

The activities of sports clubs are becoming tougher, but this does not affect professional sports clubs.

Sports will be allowed, but in strict compliance with all safety requirements, at a minimum distance of 2 meters.

Indoor competition is not recommended.

The students have been on vacation since the week of Monday, and after the vacation it was decided to move the training to a remote space for a week.

They would return to schools on November 9.

After that, if at least one case of COVID-19 were to be registered in an institution, the entire infected class would have to study remotely.
