Covid-19 divided Lithuania into three zones: green, yellow and red


The Cabinet of Ministers blessed that decision on Wednesday.

“Quarantine will be offered to small municipalities in the red zone and quarantine to large municipalities in the yellow zone,” Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga told reporters before the government meeting.

Said distribution will take effect on Monday, October 26.

“The quarantine is likely to take effect from Monday, but it would not be automatic. “It would be up to the government to decide today on the basis of today’s indicators,” he said.

Three zones

By decision of the government, each area will receive very detailed and clear recommendations on how to combat the spread of the virus. Risks will be assigned to municipalities based on specific morbidity indicators.

Municipalities with a morbidity rate less than 25 and a percentage of positive tests less than 4% will enter the green zone. Municipalities in green areas need not worry at the moment.

“No one will offer additional tools to the green group. For those municipalities that will be included in the yellow zone, the National Center for Public Health will provide specific recommendations, depending on where the virus is spreading, evaluating the individuality of the municipality,” explains A. Veryga .

The municipalities will enter the yellow zone, where the incidence does not exceed 50 cases, but more than 4% of positive tests. or morbidity 25-150 cases per 100 thousand. less than 4% of the population tested positive.

Thus, currently the municipalities of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys are in this area.

Municipalities with a morbidity of more than 50 fall into the red zone with more than 4 percent positive tests. o morbidity – more than 150 cases per 100 thousand. population.

The municipalities of this area will receive recommendations on the restriction of events, teleworking, education, the review of health services, the restriction of flows at points of sale and the use of masks. They will also be advised to decide on a local quarantine announcement.

Power criteria and foreign countries

Similar criteria would apply both to the inclusion of foreign countries in the list of affected countries and at the national level.

“We suggest not only establishing the same criteria proposed by the Council of Europe, but using them to assess the situation at the regional level,” said the minister.

“The green group of countries would include countries with a morbidity of less than 25 cases per 100,000. population in the last two weeks and the proportion of positive tests is less than 4 percent. Countries with a morbidity of less than 50 cases and a proportion of positive tests of 4% or more, or a morbidity of 25 to 150 cases and a proportion of positive tests of less than 4%, would be considered yellow.

The third group of red countries would include those with a COVID-19 incidence of 50,000 or more per 100,000 cases. population, the proportion of positive investigations would be 4%. and more, or the incidence would be more than 150 cases per 100,000. population in the last two weeks.

The gray area would include countries whose published data is insufficient to assess these criteria or the number of surveys is relatively small, the list of countries would be published every Friday and take effect on Monday.

“One of the additional criteria that is introduced when evaluating municipalities to include in the red group of municipalities those that meet the national criteria is that only at least ten cases per week should be registered in the municipality, since very small numbers may give an incorrect assessment (…). The quarantine regime would be announced when the municipality is assigned to the red group, ”said the minister.
