Assault on an officer: a note was made to his colleague and the assailant was referred to court


A criminal case has been transferred to the Kaunas Regional Court, the fate of which will determine the safety of the police officers in the future. The events that occurred in the middle of last summer in Jonava, which resulted in the 23-year-old resident of the Jonava district being accused of resisting the police officers and attempting to murder one of them, lies in it.

One mistake turned fatal

As already written, V.Č., a resident of the Šilai nursing home of the Jonava district, on the night of July 30, he himself called the police. During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that after calling at 9:40 p.m. hours at 112, he started talking that there might be a problem because he wanted to “jump” with a knife. He also has a rifle. And no psychiatrist will help you.

Not only the Jonava district police patrol crew, but also ambulances were dispatched to the residence of the caller, who was clearly in an unstable state. Upon the arrival of V.Č. found in the courtyard of the apartment building in which he lives. He was intoxicated with a severe drunkenness (2.75 avg). And he said he was joking: he doesn’t need help. To which the police officers V.Č. answering that they would have to travel with them because of a false call from special services.

As the suspect behaved calmly for the aforementioned crime, he was not handcuffed. Only after asking if he has prohibited items, a perfunctory V.Č. inspection. At that time, a curved Swiss-type knife was found in the shoe, behind the socks, which was taken from V.Č., transported to the Jonava District Police Commissariat.

Through the hair of tragedy

A subsequent inspection of the video camera installed in the officers’ official car reveals that the detainee placed in it is doing something behind his back.

What was under his clothes or behind his pants became apparent only when the detainee was taken to the Jonava District Police Station. While performing there V.Č already detailed. inspection, he suddenly pulled out a kitchen knife with a 14 cm blade behind it and attacked the officer next to him. Along with this V.Č. a colleague of the officer who appeared at the police station checked the detainee’s pockets at that time.

The officer who, according to the video, tried to hit the neck with a knife, managed to step back and even repel the attacker’s hand with the knife. But this was not worth it: he approached. But something brilliant V.Č. he had already noticed a colleague of the officer in his hand, rushing to harass his attacker. The officer later said that when dealing with the demolished colleague’s assailant, who finally managed to squeeze his body, on the ground, he did not feel safe himself because he did not know that the knife had already fallen from the immobilizer’s hands. she did not suffer. She later said it was worth it with just a slight scare, even when she thought “it was all over.”

I changed my mind during the day

The same V.Č. he interpreted his attack quite strangely. He was so drunk that he thought he had been taken to Kaunas, so in order to be taken home and not have to return on foot, he decided to take a police officer hostage.

The psychiatrists consulted said that V.Č. experience is not appropriate. Although this alluded to a head injury.

As already written, the incident was initially the subject of a pre-trial investigation into police resistance and attempted health disorder. However, the next day, the last article of the Penal Code was reclassified as attempted murder. And he asked the court that V.Č. detention for a maximum period of three months. This request was granted – V.Č. remains behind bars until now.

Drunk and music

Pending the end of this pre-trial investigation, which lasted just a month and a half, V.Č. He also managed to hear the fourth verdict in his biography. In early September, the Kaunas Kėdainiai Palace District Court behind V.Č. caused the traffic accident while driving a car while intoxicated – 2.02 avg., when due to the chosen unsafe speed he went off the road and turned – seriously injuring his passenger, who suffered a head injury, named V .Č. seven months in prison.

Before that, in early April, he had already been arrested in a car that he was driving very drunk. Then it all ended with a criminal order, which became the third 23rd V.Č. conviction. The first two, in 2017 and 2019, related to domestic violence, finding mild and mild health problems.

None of the victims of the last V.Č. the officials recognized in the case did not take any action against him. But you can still do it in court.

There is a solid sanction

If the Kaunas Regional Court does not decide to seek the help of psychiatrists again, the V.Č. fate can be decided in one go.

According to one of the accusations, an attempted murder of a police officer, V.Č. at risk of imprisonment from eight to 20 years.

This instructive fact is not only setting a legal precedent, perhaps helping to put an end to the continuing violence against police officers by detainees suspected of various crimes, knowing that only public works or fines or imprisonment of up to three years are at risk.

The Kaunas County Police Chief Commissariat (VPK), whose unit is the Jonava District Police, also carried out an official inspection after this incident. The Kaunas County LSC Immunity Board, which carried it out, appointed V.Č. The most lenient punishment in the arsenal of sanctions available to the detained senior patrol team: a comment on their partial inspection of their home yard. It was recognized that it was not done carefully enough. And it was decided to discuss this situation in the official training of officials.
