Covid-19 Barometer: Lithuania differs significantly from global indicators


There are two groups in the world: fatalists and good citizens (22% each), while in Lithuania there are significantly fewer good citizens (16%) and fatalists each third (34%).

“The group of fatalists prevails in our country, they have the desire to keep their minds healthy and not lose their sense of reality. Fatalists are not indifferent and are not ignorant of what is happening, but they try to sift through excess public information, they take health and safety measures in moderation, but they do not overwhelm or feel very concerned about the situation.

Balance is important to them everywhere, so I don’t like excessive rules and control, ”says Skaistė Varnienė, Kantar’s director of market research.

According to her, the predominance of this segment in the country may be due to the fact that, in principle, the country managed to successfully manage the first phase of the epidemic, but from the financial side there was great concern about how the restrictions would affect its income.

“We have also seen in previous surveys that people are more concerned about their financial situation than about their health. They are also not entirely relaxed or guessing at health or self-protection measures, a fact that illustrates the 46 percent figure.” Respondents say that they will not be determined to return to normal life and habits even after a pandemic, “said S. Varienė.

Less than a tenth of those who really care

There are not many real concerns in Lithuania, around 8%, and most of them are not in the main segment, but among the young. It is also characteristic of rioters who expect more from the government than other groups, feel they are not doing enough, and feel scared.

“The anxiety of young people may also be related to the fact that this generation probably spends most of their time on social networks and the Internet, so they are constantly in the field of information, which, according to psychologists , can increase tension and anxiety. Older people seem to be the most intimidated, but on the contrary, they look at the epidemic quite philosophically, they are more careful and follow the rules than other groups, but they are more likely to think “how it will be like this,” says the expert.

There are slightly more people in the distressed dreamers segment (one-tenth); They are a little concerned about their health and finances, but they believe that everything will get better and better.

Almost a fifth of the isolated ostrich segment

The second most prominent behavioral group in Lithuania is the population, which is characterized by the desire to distance themselves. They don’t see a reason for all the fuss and they don’t really care.

“According to behavioral strategies, around 18% belong to this group. Our country’s population, a little more than the world average. The isolation could also be due to the fact that there was a lot of information about the dangerousness of the virus in the media, the topic dominated the media for half a year, but a drastic outbreak of the disease was prevented. Fear fatigue is also becoming more pronounced, it is difficult to be in a constant state of caution or to be prepared for a long time “, emphasized S. Varienė, commenting on the research conducted in late summer.

There are fewer good citizens in Lithuania than in the world

Lithuania also differs from world trends in that we have almost twice as many people in the “good citizens” segment based on their behavior.

“This segment is characterized by strict compliance with all health and safety measures. They also expect others to follow. He supports tight control and is confident that the healthcare system will overcome challenges. They are characterized by a stable emotional state of mind, they do not feel much anxiety about the pandemic. Although these residents are actively following the latest information on COVID-19 and new cases, they do not panic and do not feel much stress about it, ”said S. Varnienė, head of market research at Kantar.

According to the expert, the smaller number of people in panic allows the country to move more calmly in the face of crises and survive difficult periods with relative more tranquility.

The Kantar COVID-19 Barometer is carried out in more than 50 countries around the world. In Lithuania, the last stage of the survey was conducted in late August, with more than 600 Lithuanians surveyed online via a representative survey. User segmentation can be added

that to any study to know the expectations and behaviors of a particular target group.
Kantar is one of the world’s largest data, knowledge and consulting companies, bringing together professionals in more than 90 countries. Kantar is an expert in innovation, branding, communication, consumer behavior and more. The company helps its clients to identify the most important aspects of their activities, reveal missed potentials or notice critical moments and respond to them appropriately.

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