The country that spread the coronavirus now lives in a completely different frame of mind than the western world


The United States and much of the world are still battling a coronavirus pandemic, and in much of China, life has returned to normal in recent weeks. Cities are no longer required to maintain social distance, wear masks, people go to cinemas and gyms again, visit tourist sites, advertise

China’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic was particularly pronounced during China’s longest holidays, October 1-7. About 673 million, or 46 percent. population, traveled to China that week off, spent about 69 billion. dollars for mini vacations, shopping, weddings, family visits, the Chinese media wrote.

And the United States and most European countries are still working to curb the coronavirus outbreak and revive the economy after the recession, job losses, etc. difficulties.

There is less than a month until Thanksgiving in the United States. Last Wednesday, US infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci stressed that Americans must sacrifice themselves if they want to prevent another outbreak of the infection.

Countries are feeling mounting pressure or the approach of winter, when cold weather and weakened human immunity could trigger a resurgence of large-scale outbreaks of the COVID-19 infection.

But China lives in a completely different mood.

“There no longer appears to be a threat or danger to life,” said Siong Xiaoy, who works at a paint factory in southern Guangdong province.

Recently, a woman went to the movies for the first time after a virus pandemic. “When I turned off the light, I felt like I was returning to normal life. I could forget about everything and immerse myself in my spiritual life, ”he said.

Returning to normal life, China stands out in the world economy.

The United States is likely to face a long and painful recession as restrictions are re-imposed this summer as morbidity increases. New outbreaks of infection are occurring in Europe and the already weakened economy is under even greater pressure. And China has been recovering in recent months, with factories starting to operate. It is true that the country’s economy has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels, many people in the country have lost their jobs.

Still, the situation is vastly different since the beginning of the pandemic, when China was the epicenter of the disease’s spread and its authoritarian government rushed to introduce a strict quarantine. Life came to a standstill across the country, the economy plummeted, people were forced to stay at home, except for those who traded in necessities.

The streets of Uhane were empty, only public service cars and suppliers of food and basic products passed. Hospitals were overcrowded and all those who complained of coughs and fever sought medical attention. There was fear and anxiety in the city, a rapid increase in the number of deaths, and residents had no idea when the quarantine would end.

Despite the delays and mistakes initially made by the authorities, the recovery in China is proof of the success of the austerity measures. After several months of travel insurance and testing of all urban residents at the test site, there are virtually no illnesses, official data says. It is not clear how reliable they are. Several experts suspect that China is hiding the real data, but that coronavirus cases are no longer being registered en masse, it is clear.

Many Chinese cities host larger-scale events, albeit with some restrictions on the number of participants.

The usual Beer Festival took place in October in the eastern Chinese coastal city of Qingdao (masks weren’t required). “Who would have thought that the largest beer festival in the world this year would not take place in the country of origin of the traditional Oktoberfest, but in the country of origin of the coronavirus? The irony of a pandemic is no different, ”commented Deutsche Welle.

However, the number of visitors to the “beer city” was limited: compared to the previous year, only 30% of them were admitted.

Staff were required to wear masks and have weekly coronavirus tests, and visitors were measured by temperature before being admitted to the festival, and had to register, German press portal reported.

However, all those measures did not diminish Chinese interest in the festival, at the beginning of which Chinese state media announced that more people than ever will attend the festival this year. The festival is an opportunity for people to “go back to normal life and have a cup,” he said on Chinese television channel CCTV.

Thousands of enthusiasts gathered for the recent Games in Shanghai.

Many people return to normal life with minor changes and expect the worst in the past.

Jing Mingju, who works in the food industry in the northwestern Chinese city of Si, recently resumed his travels and set up a gym. During a recent trip to southern China, the woman says she realized the importance of travel in her life.

“Traveling seemed like a routine matter to me. And when there were no more, I understood how to appreciate them, “said the woman.

The Chinese government hopes to revive the economy and is interested in getting people back to work, travel and shop again. At the same time, care is taken: movie theaters and tourist destinations must operate at only half capacity. Before entering banks, restaurants and other public places, residents should measure the temperature and provide evidence that they are healthy and that they have not recently traveled to where there have been new outbreaks of the virus.

Travel in the Xinjiang region of western China is still restricted, with a new coronavirus outbreak in the region in September. China still practically does not admit foreigners for fear that they may bring the virus.

There have been outbreaks of infection in recent months, but there has been an urgent response in each case. When Wuhan reported 6 cases of coronavirus in May, city officials decided to examine the city’s 11 million residents. And when a new outbreak was recorded in Beijing in June, the authorities abruptly imposed some quarantine restrictions to control the outbreak.

Last week, it was announced that China intends to test more than 9 million people in five days. Residents of the port city of Qingdao in the event of a small outbreak of coronavirus in this city.

This was the first massive test after a break of several months. China, where the new coronavirus originated, has been quite successful in controlling the epidemic, unlike many other countries in the world where quarantine is still in effect and many new cases of the disease are being recorded. October 11 in northeast Qingdao, with 9.4 million. population, six cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in COVID-19. The outbreak occurred at the hospital, a Qingdao municipal health commission said in a statement issued Monday. In five districts of Qingdao, the tests were carried out “in three days” and residents of the entire city were tested “within five days,” the commission said.

China is not the only country that reduces security restrictions. In Taiwan, for example, the virus was controlled several months ago. This has become a national pride and a breeding ground for the country’s vast propaganda apparatus.

State media emphasize that life in China is returning to normal, and this is “a sign that China has managed the virus pandemic intelligently, especially compared to the United States and Western countries, which still have major outbreaks. of coronavirus infection “. China’s superiority over Western countries is constantly proclaimed by the country’s media.

Recently, photos of thousands of people bathing together at a beach party in Wuhan have been floating online. There has been much criticism, but Chinese commentators have been quick to defend the party. The state-run Global Times called the reaction to the photos elementary jealousy.

According to China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lidzian, the world should pay more attention to China’s efforts to control the coronavirus outbreak: “This reflects the strategic victory of Wuhan and the Chinese government in the fight against the virus. “, He said.

Experts warn that the COVID-19 epidemic could still repeat itself in China, especially when the weather is cold and people spend more time indoors.

“They still need to be careful,” said David Hui, director of the Stanley Ho Center for Infectious Diseases at the University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong. “Mass gatherings and celebrations should not be encouraged.”

Some Chinese worry that society is too relaxed.

29 m. Cheng Ailin recently visited Guangdong, in the mountains. According to the woman, there were many tourists there and most of the people did not wear masks.

“There were no control and prevention measures,” he said. “In the case of the coronavirus, the consequences would be enormous, with incalculable problems.”

Uhane, whose residents have been quarantined for 76 days during the peak of the pandemic, many people are happy to be easily guided by the shocks they have experienced, to reestablish connections on a larger scale with friends and family.

28 m. Yuki Liu, who works for a foreign trade company, worked mainly from home due to the quarantine from January to February. She only started going to the office in May.

In October, she and her husband attended a waterside party in Wuhan, which received a lot of attention. The woman said that the celebration on the beach gave her great joy, she felt relaxed, free.

“It just came to our attention then. People didn’t get hurt or fight at all, so it seemed like healthy people had gathered,” he said.

Beijing is also desperately seeking to be the first to introduce a coronavirus vaccine. Several companies are already in the final stages of testing the vaccines that are being developed. Although the vaccines have yet to be approved, they have already vaccinated hundreds of thousands of workers and soldiers in important sectors, and the Chinese authorities used the narrative of the pandemic to demonstrate the country’s resilience and the ability of the communist government to cope with the crisis.

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