Court: 10 thousand. A fine of € 1 million was reasonably imposed on the Iki chain of stores


The Iki chain of stores was fined for the fact that the prices of the products indicated in the price lists of 5 stores were lower than those they had to pay at the checkout.

According to the court notice, the Iki store chain claimed in the complaint that the decision had been made without a thorough and consistent examination of all the facts by the defendant, leading to hasty subjective conclusions without evidence. According to the plaintiff, some price lists were not changed due to human error on the part of employees and, in some cases, the available discounts were misinterpreted by consumers.

The court, rejecting the plaintiff’s complaint, pointed out that by failing to provide clear and unambiguous information about the products, by providing incorrect information, the company had not complied with the requirements of professional diligence and therefore its business activities could not be considered fair.

According to the court, Iki should have taken all possible measures to ensure that the store employees take all measures related to the change of price lists and that consumers receive correct and non-misleading information about the prices of the products sold and the discounts applied to them.

When deciding the amount of the financial sanction, the court announced that it took into account that in 2018 the company had already been sanctioned for a similar violation, which compensated consumers, reacted promptly to the violations, for which it concluded that 10,000 . A financial penalty of 1 000 EUR will be proportional to the offense committed.

This court decision can be appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania within 30 days.

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