Additional restrictions mentioned: longer holidays for children, new setting for events


According to Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, the spread of the coronavirus is high. We have the opportunity to use the next two weeks for a break that would benefit the stabilization of the situation.

“We see that the spread is also high enough between educational institutions. We have a week of vacation planned. We will probably offer an additional week. Two weeks is the hiatus, we will limit ourselves to that public life, we will keep our distance, we will wear masks, we will avoid those events that are not mandatory, ”the prime minister told reporters in the Seimas on Tuesday.

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga added that at the same time it is planned to review restrictions related to meetings, events, entertainment and the like.

“Because it is not enough that children do not go to school, they should not gather elsewhere to entertain themselves and stay. And this will be reviewed,” said the Minister of Health.

R.Veryga has not yet been able to say if the number of participants in the events will be limited, what other similar restrictions will be introduced. Decisions, according to A.Veryga, are likely to be made this week.

“Now you talk about the locals in quarantine, as well as the students at those big parties. At the same time, there will be decisions about events,” he said.

According to A.Veryga, it is not necessary to introduce quarantine to extend student vacations or introduce additional restrictions due to the spread of COVID-19.

“It just came to our attention then. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport can really regulate and determine these things by itself, and that does not require the whole country to declare quarantine and close everything,” explained the Minister of Health.

It was unable to answer whether working parents could receive ballots if extended child care was expanded. If there is such a need, it will be necessary to coordinate it with the Ministry of Social Security and Labor.

Recommendations for municipalities

According to S. Skvernel, very clear recommendations will be made for municipalities at the Government meeting on COVID-19 on Wednesday.

“We will see that if these recommendations are not followed, then, as I mentioned, the law provides for the possibility of announcing local quarantine in more than one municipality without the consent and invitation of the municipality. But I hope not. I see reactions from self-government, especially where the situation is more complex, more threatening. However, I believe that there is a possibility that we will try to stabilize the situation in this way ”, commented the Head of Government.

As Western European countries once again take strict measures to stop the coronavirus, S. Skvernelis said that the freer situation in Lithuania is not related to the elections.

“We are all in favor of freedom, with the least possible restriction. If we can try to achieve such results without introducing such strict measures, we must. However, I still believe that the measures that are being taken and the recommendations that are being applied are insistent recommendations, they can really control the situation. We are not yet in a situation where we have to think about other means. Basically, the main thing that will force us to take the next steps will be to overload our healthcare system or be a potential threat if we meet the capacity to treat COVID-19 patients, “said the prime minister.

Generate questions

When a part of the medical community says that due to the Seimas elections the government is delaying the decision-making necessary to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the representative of the opposition Ingrida Šimonytė affirms that she is questioned by the attitude of the Government.

“Because it seems that the government has decided that it had already solved everything in the spring, and now something has arrived and has ruined everything. The fact that there will be some new circumstances in the fall or sometime when the season decides has probably been talked about since the arrival of COVID-19. That’s what doctors and scientists said. It is very unfortunate for me now that it seems a little like we will only have saved very precious time, ”explained I. Šimonytė to reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday.

According to her, it is not entirely clear who the Government consults in decision-making, who is consulted and what is the logic of the decisions that are made. “I lack that explanation,” emphasized I. Šimonytė.
