Coronavirus Detected by Sigismund Geech – Isolated from Family in Separate Room Names


Anticipating the events, Žygimantas Gečas shared the news about the positive response to the coronavirus on the social network Instagram. It was here that he responded when he began to feel the first symptoms of the virus, how he isolated himself from relatives and how he felt today.

“I am officially announcing that the coronavirus exists. Today I received the response that the coronavirus test is positive for me,” revealed Ž. Gečas.

The man said he began to feel the first symptoms Friday night and woke up in the morning with a fever. His wife Angela and their son Jacob later asked to stay in a separate room.

“I felt different than usual. I thought I needed to register at a mobile point and do a test run. After the phone call, they listened to me and signed in for check-in on Sunday only. That means it had to be completely closed on Sunday. Well that’s what, I’m still sitting in the same room, “Sigismund revealed to his followers.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Žygimantas Gečas and Anžela Adamovič

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Žygimantas Gečas and Anžela Adamovič

That the coronavirus was sick, the man realized when he felt the changing temperature and the progressive cold. During the usual flu, as he put it himself, he covered himself with blankets, soaked his feet, and then felt better. This time, such measures were ineffective.

“Angers opened the door to see how he was doing. I was shaking at the time. There was nothing I could do cruelly cold. Later I didn’t get that hot anyway and started sweating like a pig again. People say it doesn’t smell or taste, that is, I know, sorry. The fact that it is weaker, as with a runny nose, is nasal congestion. But taste receptors are. I’m sorry when Anžė tastes delicious, ”Ž.Gečas joked.

He expressed his greatest thanks to his wife, who opened the door to the room where Sigismund isolated himself, leaving food, drinks, means to warm his feet and rinse his throat: “Well, literally everything is taken care of. Thank you very much. She also cares about her son, who is very rauna roof because he can’t go out when his father is sick. The most heart-wrenching is that Angeles and Jacques are cruelly tight and have nothing to do. And I’m lying here and there’s not much I can do That makes me a little sad. “

The well-known artist also hosts ZIP FM radio shows. However, the followers assured them that the radio was preparing for this type of situation since the first wave of quarantine: “Everything will be fixed. Zipas It will continue to work, it will continue to work and you can hear everything.

In the social network, the man also revealed that he could know what he could be infected with. However, he decided not to make it public. The man assured that the data had already been transmitted to the National Center for Public Health.

15 minutes Remember that six years ago, Gecch’s name sounded after winning the “X Factor.” The boy from Telšiai received a prize of 50,000 LTL and a contract with the Sony Music record company.

It was in this project that the man met Anžela Adamovič, who did not turn out worse either, but could not win. Still, he won a much more valuable prize: Sigismund’s heart. The couple married in 2017 and had a son, Jacob, a year later.

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