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System not working?

The mother of three children, Lina (name not published under the provisions of the Law for the Protection of Minors from the Negative Impact of Public Information), when recounting the medical history of her family, only confirms that the country’s system is absolutely incapable of deal with a coronavirus pandemic.

“The virus reached our family in the first days of September. Just before September 1, my daughter spent a night at a friend’s house. On September 2, the girl shook her slightly. We received a call from the mother from a friend who was diagnosed with a coronavirus. For those who have had a sick person, the tests are done immediately and all the other members of the family are left alone, “said the woman.

The woman raising three children works in kindergarten, so at work she could have infected a lot of minors.

“No one was testing in Raseiniai at the time, I had to go to Kaunas. My daughter was immediately given time for testing. And I, her mother, as a ‘secondary contact’ was not even listed for the test. test. The daughter did not have a high fever, 37.5 degrees temperature, but it went up, down. I asked the National Public Health Center how should I behave? They told me I could go to work. They did not understand me. I called the employer and explained the situation. It was decided that he would work remotely, “said the woman.

It could work

The woman was in awe of not only the health care system but also the Sodra system.

The family doctor contacted Sodra and heard that in this case a certificate of incapacity for work is not issued, because the mother is only a ‘secondary contact’. The child is already alone, he can be alone in self-isolation and wait for the answers to the test. We continue to transmit the virus to minors and co-workers ”, the woman wonders.

For public institutions, we are only statistical units.

The woman had to say that she had a high fever, only then was she able to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work.

“Another moment that surprised me, if the test is negative, you receive a message on your mobile phone, and if it is positive, you should look for it in the electronic health electronic system. The answer was sent to us at 8 pm. It is good that you check , he wouldn’t even have called and reported. So if he didn’t know if he was sick or not, would he go to work? “- the woman expressed her opinion.

Residents of Raseini were forced to go to Kaunas to get tested for the virus during September, because the point in Raseiniai appeared only in late September.

All family members were infected

Lina’s household includes not only three children, but also their parents before retirement.

“We all get sick. Mom and Dad are older. Mom is a working retiree, Dad is not retired yet, he works. We all live in our own home, we couldn’t avoid infection. We all get sick every three days.” others were ill without major complications. For three days, they all maintained their temperature, rising to 38.5 degrees. But it came back down on its own, “he said.

Lina and the children settled on the second floor of the house and the parents on the first.

But the most difficult thing is the psychological state. If symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, wait and how do you expect. From fear, everything gets worse. “Psychologists announced by Aurelijus Veryga? What kind of psychological help at Raseiniai? We have at least six people at home. And what to do for a lonely person? In that case, self-isolation can be unbearable,” Raseiniškė said.

In the field – report to the police

Neighbors provided food for the family. No food messengers circulate through the courtyards of Raseiniškės.

“If you want to order food by courier, you have to go to the parking lot, pick up the package yourself. No one is driving around the house. It is good that the neighbors are good. or berries, “smiled the woman.

And here, the police officers surprised Lina when they came to verify compliance with the self-isolation requirements.

“For the other patients, it was enough to have access to the window. They showed the identity card to the officers and asked him to remove his mask. And here I had to go outside. That day there was a high temperature. “The officer is surprised by such an order,” said the woman.

After illness, no income

The woman also revealed the other side of the consequences of the pandemic. The inhabitants of a small town are affected by such severe deprivation.

“I was saved by the goodwill of the employer. At least I could work from home. And for my father, who works only half of a full-time job at the utility, his income after a period of disability was 180 euros. Ah. , and live with that amount of money if you want. ” , – the woman spoke sadly.

The woman calculated the total income that the family would receive if it fell into a closed circle of pandemic. It turned out to be pathetic.

Trials: A family of six suffering from coronavirus isolation said what others battling the disease could expect was a lack of money, psychological stress and indifference from authorities. / Photo by Evaldas Šemiotas

“Before, 80 percent of the salary was paid to take care of a child during a period of disability. And now 65 percent is paid. If I had not been sick and only one child had been sick, I could have received only 14 days of incapacity for care. No more., do what you want, you have to go to work, “said the mother with resentment.

Waiting for more investigation

The Raseini family will be able to return to society only after all members of the family have been confirmed twice in a row with two negative investigation responses.

“One study turns out to be negative and the other is positive for some reason again. I know one from Raseiniai who is still isolated for 51 days. No one in Raseiniai even broke down to vote, people are very disappointed.” Who reads state documents. . There is a lack of information, no one can explain. By the way, the entire time our family was ill, we did not get a call from specialists and a question about how we feel. We don’t care about anyone. .

The second threatening moment that Raseiniškės spoke about was the apathy of the people.

“I am sure that there are people in Raseiniai who do not undergo the tests because they are afraid of isolation for a month or even more. And it is scary. The infection can continue to spread silently. The second moment: not everyone has cars, even the Employer registered for the study has nothing. I have heard such statements that I will only go for tests when there are symptoms, “said the woman.

The Raseini family was lucky: just before the weekend they received a report that their investigation was negative.

However, the same virus will have to be retested and only with two negative answers can it be concluded that the fight against the disease is over for this family.
