SAM: COVID-19 investigation to intensify this week in 19 high-risk municipalities


In high-risk municipalities, personnel from treatment and social care institutions will be prophylactically examined this week. Patients who have spent more than 48 hours in medical facilities will also be investigated further, the media report said.

According to the updated procedure, more intensive tests will be carried out in those municipalities where the total 14-day morbidity rate of COVID-19 is 100,000. The population is older than 50 years, more than 10 cases of the disease have been detected in 14 days and / or the proportion of positive tests detected during the week is 4%. or more of all the surveys carried out in the municipality.

Friday, October 12. According to the data, the incidence rate of coronavirus infection in Lithuania is 100 thousand. population was 70.7.

Depending on the morbidity rates in different municipalities, high-risk municipalities are identified each week by a decision of the Minister of Health, the manager of emergency operations at the state level.

Oct 16 Operations Manager Decision can be found HERE.

Up to 1,000 people will be screened in Vilnius per day

Mobile point V. Gerulaičio str., Which has been operating in Vilnius since March. 1 (in front of the Technopolis business center), whose samples for coronavirus (COVID-19) tests, has become the largest research campus not only in the capital, but also in all of Lithuania, reports the Municipality of the Vilnius city. As of today, he has 3 separate lines of research. , there are 12 changing teams consisting of specialists from the Vilnius Public Health Office and the Vilnius City and Vilnius District Health Institutions, and from 6.30 to 21.15, the volume of COVID-19 subjects in the capital will be increases from 618 to 1000 per day.

“The situation in Vilnius is not as bad as in other municipalities, but we manage the situation responsibly by making accurate, measured and data-driven decisions: first, we have increased the scope of testing. This is one of the key things when we can quickly locate the chimneys. Now we will test up to a thousand. people per day, we will rely on data, common sense, recommendations and best practices, “says Povilas Poderskis, Director of Administration.

In addition to the mobile point (V. Gerulaičio str. 1), so-called rapid tests have so far been performed in the temporary testing room, which show whether a person has previously been in contact with SARSCoV-2 and whether antibodies have formed . They will be discontinued this week because very few people want to explore them. It is planned to update the study with rapid tests, assessing the need to study new target groups.

Last week, more intensive tests were conducted in the following high-risk municipalities: Raseiniai, Radviliškis, Kelmė, Šiauliai, Kaunas, Vilnius, Mažeikiai, Šilalė, Kėdainiai, Panevėžysys, as well as in the cities of Šiauliai, Rietavas, Eleknaiinknai , Druskinvunas.
