Study: coronavirus stays on skin five times longer than influenza virus


A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases this month indicates that the flu pathogen, for example, remains on human skin for about 1.8 hours.

“SARS-CoV-2 persists in human skin for nine hours [koronaviruso atmaina, sukelianti COVID-19] it may increase the risk of contact transmission of the virus compared to influenza A virus, thus accelerating the pace of the pandemic, ”the report says.

The research team conducted studies with skin samples taken during the autopsy of the dead about the day after death.

When exposed to ethanol, which is used in both hand sanitizers, both the coronavirus and the influenza virus are inactivated within 15 seconds.

“Longer survival of SARS-CoV-2 in the skin increases the risk of transmission by contact, but proper hand hygiene can reduce this risk,” the study noted.

The study confirms the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly to limit the virus, which has infected nearly 40 million people worldwide since the COVID-19 outbreak began. last year. people, spread.
