Kalpokaitė – about the onset of menopause: it was difficult for me at one point


The secret to all of this is reconciliation with the inevitable changes in life, positive thinking, and freedom that is discovered after menopause.

Menopause is an inevitable stage in the aging of a woman’s body. From the age of 40, the production of female hormones in the ovaries begins to decrease and, at 45-55 years, it stops completely. This stage brings a series of changes in the life of a woman, both emotional and physical.

“Menopause does not have to be intimidated, it is just the stage when a woman’s body stops producing sex hormones. That period is inevitable in a man’s life when the production of testosterone in the testicles ends. Menopause has its own unique symptoms that almost all women feel, only its intensity varies. At the beginning of the last century, menopause reached only 30 percent. women, and now it reaches 95%. and has been living successfully for about 30 years in that period ”, says biomed, a doctor at the LSMU Kaunas Clinics Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, metro, Prof. Dr. Rosita Aniulienė.

Today, the well-known actress Larisa Kalpokaitė agreed to speak about this period of change and her experience on the TV8 show Sveikatos medis. Always a woman brimming with energy, smile and positivity, she boldly affirms that this stage of a woman’s life is special.

“It is a period of transition to a completely new quality. When you go through that period, something in your mind is like a cakteli and you realize that now you can be yourself. You don’t have to try for anything, you are free in your desires, in your actions ”, Larisa will open on the program.

Due to the change in the concentration of hormones in the blood, the woman’s body begins to undergo changes associated with menopausal symptoms that are difficult to control: sweating, hot flashes, fluctuations in blood pressure, frequent heart rate, increased irritability, insomnia. Still, doctors disagree with the myth that menopause is a time of suffering. The problems of this period can be controlled because it is not a disease, just a natural and temporary process. A positive attitude, certain lifestyle changes, and the right choice of supplements or even medications help you survive.

“It just came to my knowledge then. For women, it seems like the end of life sometimes, but I can safely say no. We have all the means we can use to ask for help from doctors. Fortunately, the phase in the that the heat poured out uncontrollably didn’t last long for me, but I know women who have been in it for a decade, ”says Larisa.

To make it easier for women to befriend menopause, UK researchers have specifically developed effective formulations of bioactive substances, Menopace Plus and Menopace Original. Soy isoflavones have a similar effect to estrogen, the female sex hormone; flax lignans also have estrogenic properties and, at the same time, maintain healthy breast tissue. Fatigue is reduced with iron and pantothenic acid, and sage extract maintains bone mineralization, normal sweating, and comfort.

“Help can be given to women up to 70 years: hormones, food supplements. Soy, bed bug, red clover and rhubarb extracts are very helpful in controlling menopausal symptoms. During menopause, women lack not only those substances that relieve symptoms, but also minerals, vitamins and bioactive substances, ”said the doctor, Prof. R. Aniulienė.

The stage and film actress Larisa Kalpokaitė, doctors, admitting that during menopause she was looking for natural ways to relieve symptoms, she tried food supplements for women’s health. According to the interlocutor, nature has not fought and the inevitable changes in life that come with time must be positively accepted, since menopause is not the end of life.

“As I am an opponent of chemistry, I know that there are many purely natural remedies that help in a situation like this. There are complex capsules that are found in any pharmacy. And I took them myself and it really helped, it took away the anxiety because it was such that there was such unreasonable anxiety. Still, even at that stage, there is no need to focus so much on your state, your experiences. Let’s think more about others, let’s think about our children, work, the person around me and who is completely innocent of the physiological processes that occur for you. Do you want to be free? Going through this period is really immortal and even fun, ”says Larisa boldly.

Eating habits in diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an insidious endocrine disease that may not cause any symptoms at first. A significant proportion of patients are not even aware that they are sick, as people often do not even pay attention to increased appetite, increasing overweight, vision problems, or mild thirst. However, once the disease has been diagnosed, the biggest challenge becomes nutrition.

“When a person hears a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, they receive the first question: what can they eat now? You can eat everything a healthy person eats. A person who cares about his health does not eat sweets, so the same rule applies to patients with diabetes. When eating, we always want to add a full plate, so that the plate must be 20 centimeters in diameter and visually divided into four parts: two parts are vegetables, one part is cereals or potatoes and the last part is meat or fish. No matter how delicious it is, you don’t have to put it back on after eating, you have to eat slowly and enjoy your food ”, advises endocrinologist Vaida Kakariekienė.

Recent research has shown the effectiveness of broccoli and tea in fighting cancer.

In May of this year, the latest clinical study was presented to the American Community of Clinical Oncology, showing that the active ingredients found in broccoli and green tea can protect against cancer, reduce risk, and help the process of Recovery. This study took up to twelve years to collect and analyze the data collected around the world. More than 155 thousand people participated in the study. People, and its organizer, a consultant oncologist at Benforshir Hospital, Professor Robert Thomas, boldly says that the results of this study definitely dispelled doubts and confirmed the anticancer effects of tea and broccoli.

“Tumor cells are formed due to the accumulation of mutations. They can accumulate naturally, they can accumulate due to external influences, which is why antioxidants, polyphenols can activate those body systems that face oxidative stress, with those external influences ”, says the oncological immunologist of the National Cancer Institute Dr. . Marius Strioga.

In the section “Thank you, doctor” – the personal thanks of the President of the United States to the Lithuanian doctor.

The gratitude of the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, crossed the ranks of the Klaipeda University Hospital on the other side of the Atlantic. It was handed over to the head of the chemotherapy oncology clinic of this hospital, the chemotherapist oncologist doctor Alvydas Čes, who was treating a close relative of a person close to the president who was fighting cancer.

“The patient is being treated in Lithuania and her daughter is the personal marti of the former mayor of New York and lawyer for Donald Trump, Rudis Julianas. Therefore, we participated in conversations with the best specialists in New York, and this handwritten and handwritten thanks were really very positive ”, the doctor will be happy A. Ches.

The eighth season medical show, Health Tree, will continue to delight viewers with heartfelt and sensitive thanks to physicians directly from patients, sharing tips on preventing insidious diseases, sharing the latest medical advances, and answering health questions. of all.

The Health Tree is a show that is not without the most important medical topics and advice, sensitive and indifferent life stories from both doctors and patients.

The medical program “Health Tree”, which unites the long experience of Dr. Irena Pivoriūnienė and the youthful vigor of the producer and creator of the show Vaida Skaisgirė, on Sundays at 3 pm on TV8!
