In Raseiniai, the tension gives rise to conspiracy theories


A week ago, local quarantine was introduced in the Raseiniai district. Although the COVID-19 situation has stabilized, tensions and clashes among the population are increasing. Both testing and mandatory isolation are unreliable.

Close and exit

A group of Raseiniai residents submitted an application for “Kauno diena”. According to them, the situation in the area is not so bad because of the coronavirus patients, but because of the tension, stress and coercion.

“We do not want to say our names or what kind of work we do. We do it for security reasons, but we are full everywhere and we know what and how the people of Raseiniai live. It is announced that there is a fireplace here, and we see real help There a lot of exaggerated information available to the public “, – several Raseini residents spoke on the phone.

The most evil woman named was the requirement to take tests. Managers of large companies in the Raseiniai district are threatened with dismissal if the employee does not undergo the test.

Raseiniai residents say the tension is artificially rising and the situation is much better than advertised.

“I am approached by Norvelita employees who are transported by bus to perform tests. People ask what to do for them. I encourage everyone that the tests are not mandatory. No one can force anyone to act against their will. In addition, the law protects us. But the company proposed that it is an internal order and threat of dismissal “, – the women sent correspondence with the company’s employees to the newsroom.

In fact, the Norvelita website states that “the company management informed all the employees of the UAB” Norvelita “about the obligation to carry out tests for COVID-19 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania “On Examination of Raseiniai District Residents for COVID-19 Disease”.

It is not ruled out that people’s reluctance to test is due to the fact that people who do not experience any symptoms test positive for COVID-19 and do not receive any help in self-isolation.

“My test was positive. The workplace was terribly dissatisfied with her, as if she had infected something. But I did not feel anything and no one was infected by me. There was a son at home who kissed him, but he did not get infected either, and my husband and I have to sit closed. “We did the second test. And again, it is positive, we are still sitting. We can go crazy. The doctors are calling, they don’t answer. Later, they called again and offered us sedatives, “said Raseiniškės, who is in self-isolation.

The woman said that during the entire period of self-isolation, she was not contacted by any specialist or volunteer from the Public Health Center, no one asked her if she needed help, no one was interested in her psychological condition, so the woman felt closed and became it was.

Felt the tension

“Consult a pharmacist” – This saying in a small town is not a recommendation, but a daily routine. A pharmacist in a small town is like a barometer to describe the mood of the population. And the mood in Raseiniai, and on the lips of a pharmacist, is very poor. People are buying more over-the-counter sedatives, getting comfortable with stress and unavailable treatment services.

It is obvious that in Raseiniai both anti-Quaxer languages ​​and various conspiratorial terrorists are spreading right now.

At the pharmacy, people say that even those who sign up get positive test results but haven’t been able to get a sample from the nasopharynx to a moving site. At the pharmacy, people share rumors that they are told that the test will be positive almost before the samples are taken.

Another shocking moment for the residents of Raseiniai is the number of samples taken and the results.

According to Raseini residents, the mobile checkpoint in Raseiniai is often empty. For what happens, there are no cars that have come to do the tests. “Where those numbers come from, as far as we can see, they are always empty,” said Raseini residents.

Residents of Raseiniai consider that the reliability of the research is not a minor problem. They share observations about the test results with each other. The sequence of the test results (negative, positive, negative) allows us to assume inaccuracies.

“The doctor’s daughter did two tests and received positive responses, but did not come down and went to Kaunas. There she tested a blood sample for the coronavirus and received negative responses.” and the testers don’t hide the fact that those tests show the fat content of the milk. “

“We gather here to tell each other that no one is as sick in Raseiniai as advertised about us. Only to such an extent that people feel a lot of tension, are forced to take tests and are afraid of losing their job,” he added. day “woman.

The mayor recovers

Probably the first public resident of Raseini to contract a coronavirus was the district mayor Andrius Bautronis. Remain in self-isolation. “The second test was positive, although I feel fine. But apparently the virus has not disappeared yet,” Bautronis did not hide. He said that he had suffered from high fever, headache, cough for about a week, did not smell anything and did not feel the taste. The mayor managed to avoid symptoms such as severe bone fractures and shortness of breath.

According to A. Bautronis, mayor of the Raseiniai district, the information about COVID-19 and the explanations of why it is necessary to investigate is sufficient, but this does not stop several rumors and conspiracy theories. (Photo by T. Biliūnas / Fotobankas)

Based on the statistics on the decline in the number of infections, the mayor hopes that two weeks of local quarantine will suffice. He did not hide the fears of the Raseini residents who caught up with him.

“It is very influential that people avoid talking about the fact that they have coronavirus. Then it gives the impression that we do not know anyone who is sick. A neighbor may be sick nearby, but the feeling of embarrassment prevents them from knowing what they are doing “. There are many cases where people do not even know where they were infected, “A. Bautronis mentioned as a possible cause for concern.

The mayor does not rule out the possibility that if there were mobile points in cities of similar size to Raseiniai and preventive tests were carried out, Raseiniai would be no exception. The mayor considered that the information about COVID-19 and the explanations of the study were sufficient.

There have been and still are antiquated languages. We make information as public as possible, and the decisions we make pay off, and that’s obvious.

“The information is certainly enough. But when there are ten articles on what is a coronavirus, how it damages, what side effects occur, one that damages the human halo or the cerebral cortex and escapes from the brain, an anti-tax article somehow rivals miraculously with those ten. Then there is the option of laundering money through the coronavirus, but which is detrimental to the municipality and the state, is not considered. The construction of a mobile point can also be imagined as the arrival of some money. – A. Bautronis spoke.

Overwhelmed fears

According to A. Bautronis, mayor of the Raseiniai district, restrictions were introduced in the Raseiniai district a couple of weeks before the announced quarantine. The biggest restrictions are felt only in supermarkets, regulating flows and restricting bus routes.

“Clearly, additional agreements may arise in associations or corporations as a recommendation, and we must enforce what is stated in a government order. Additional decisions must not conflict with a government resolution, human rights or freedom of movement. Companies or associations may have a greater call for investigation. ” – mini mayor of the Raseiniai district.

The mayor did not hide when he heard the position of the people of Raseiniai, that perhaps he would not study better, I will not know and it will be good, because otherwise he will have to indicate who he communicated with. The mayor also doubts the coercive evidence: “I think he’s overwhelmed. Sure, we called, but no one can be forced.”

The mayor admitted that he hears rumors that the quarantine means nothing, the defamation shows nothing: “There have been and still are those anti-Quaker languages. We make the information as public as possible, and the decisions made pay off, and that it’s obvious”.
