Belarusian basketball player jailed – for horrible conditions: no bedding, water and with lice


The 37-year-old, one of the greatest Belarusian basketball players of all time, was arrested at the end of September and sentenced on September 30 to 15 days in prison at the Okrestina detention center, where most are being held of protesters against the Belarusian regime and opponents of Aliaksandr Lukashenko.

The basketball player, who won the 2007 national team with Belarus, was finally released. A bronze medalist at the European Championship, he recounted the terrible conditions he had to face.

“I want to tell you about the conditions that I faced when I was incarcerated. My health was in danger – assured J. Leučanka. – I was surprised, I don’t understand how to treat people in this way. I didn’t have a mattress removed for the past 13 days, so I slept on metal bars. They also took away her bedding.

I don’t understand how you can treat people that way.

In addition, they disconnected the water from the toilet for two weeks, where bacteria and microbes settled. The last time we were allowed to walk was five days before launch. Unsanitary conditions have caused lice on my body. My old problem, a spinal hernia, only got worse.

The four-seater chamber was only seven meters long and three meters wide, but they still carried a fifth person and someone had to sleep on the floor. My girlfriend in front of the camera was sick and I didn’t know if it was just a cold or something more serious. All of this posed a great threat to my health.

It’s a joke. “

Leučanka was already arrested on his way to Paris. She was accused of participating in peaceful protests on August 23 and September 27. It was soon awaited by a court that quickly made the decision to imprison the basketball player for 15 days.

Despite the punishment imposed, Leučanka did not stop fighting Lukashenko, re-elected in rigged elections. He also speaks out against the activities and statements of Belarus’ Sports Minister Sergei Kovalchuk, who supports the country’s leader, including instructing athletes to “better learn the country’s anthem than to make statements on politics.”
