The first night of “Fashion Infection”: from richly ruffled dresses to expressive fabrics Life


This “Fashion Infection”, which was brought from spring to October due to the coronavirus pandemic, is already on the 22nd. She, according to the organizers, is dedicated to creative freedom and self-awareness.

Even before the event, the organizers warned not to expect anything we were used to, and promised that this “Fashion Infection” would not be without improvisation, intrigue, quality and menswear.

The industrial space of the old scythe factory is a great venue for a fashion event. It has “paved” a 100-meter podium “with obstacles”, which are here to diversify it.

On Friday night, six designers will present their work to the public: among them renowned Lithuanian creators Akvilė Jančauskaitė presenting the collection with Max Play, Diana Paukštytė and Lina Gudanavičiūtė, a guest from Ukraine “Dastish Fantastish”, one of the competitions of the Last year “Injection” Tommazo from Cyprus and Estonian Kristel Kuslapuu, who returned to the fashion event after a long break.

Akvilė Jančauskaitė and Max Play “Multi Culti” Collection

Designers Akvilė Jančauskaitė and Max Play were the first to present the Multi Culti collection of 19 models at Fashion Infection this year.

The cowboy spirit, even Native American, is felt in the collection for women and men. Brown leather clothing, leather knee-high heels, cowboy boots and belts, bags with tassels and a folded length, accented over the belt or tucked behind the torso of the pants, accentuated by almost all combinations, reminiscent of feathers from India.

Collection “Dastish Fantastish” “Dictator”

Ukraine guest “Dastish Fantastish” was the second to present his collection “Dictator”. From the clothing of the models, it can be concluded that a line is drawn in the collection from the manager to the worker.

The baggy suits of pants and jackets seemed to symbolize power: one was worn by a girl in bright red and the other by a boy in black. Other details of the clothing, such as work pants, a business hat or vest, plastic face shields, could be guessed, marked the line of subordinates and symbolized certain current duties.

Diana Paukštytė Collection “Black Drama”

Diana Paukštytė, the former designer of “Mados Infekcijos”, received much applause as she presented the collection of striking dresses “Black Drama”.

The very name of the collection indicated that the predominant color of the collection would be black. She branched out into bright red and white.

Most of the dresses are richly decorated with ruffles and tulle, others with tassels and huge pink fabric flowers.

There were also some that were quite minimalist, paired with long or short jackets, and the main focus here is on the puffed sleeves.

Lina Gudanavičiūtė Collection “½ Old”

After the breakdown of the first part of the collections, the models from another dated event of the event, the designer Lina Gudanavičiūtė, appeared on the podium of the Dūmu factory.

The collection of 17 models for women is dominated by dark colors, oversized coats and sweaters: military cloth or black, mixed with denim, combined with mid-length skirts and rubber boots.

Tommazo “Reborn III” Collection

Tommazo from Cyprus is one of the winners of last year’s injection contest, presenting his latest collection at Fashion Infection this year. It includes suits in a variety of colors and fabrics, from men’s to women’s glitters, rubber boots and oversized bags.

Post Plastic Collection Kristel Kuslapuu

Judging by the abundance of applause, the first night of “Fashion Infection” was the most captivated by the colorful, expressive and monumental fabrics of Estonian designer Kristel Kuslapuu, who returned to “Fashion Infection” after a long break.

You can describe them, but much better – see it with your own eyes!
