New record: 281 coronavirus cases per day in Lithuania, two more people died, virus spreads rapidly in educational and medical institutions


National Center for Public Health (NVSC) October sixteen re. 9 pm according to:

  • Number of confirmed cases in specific people: 7041
  • Number of sick people: 3862
  • Number of new COVID-19 confirmed yesterday: 281
  • Number of deaths from coronavirus: 112
  • Deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 32
  • Number of people who recovered: 3035
  • Number of people in isolation (sick, exposed, arrivals from affected areas for which decisions have been issued within the corresponding 14-day period): 34269

After contact with people confirmed by coronavirus, an epidemiologist estimated that 217 people were infected. In addition, 10 import cases were recorded during the last day, of which 3 from France, 2 from Greece and 1 from Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden. At that time, 54 people did not identify the circumstances of the infection.

177 cases are associated with outbreaks

In Vilnius county, cases related to fireplaces in educational institutions were registered on the last day: 7 cases were related to Vilnius Martynas Mažvydas progymnasium, 5 – in the district of Švenčionys gym Pabradė “Žeimena”, 2 – in kindergarten “Žemyna” from Vilnius. It is estimated that 2 other cases are related to the Vilnius kindergarten “Gabijėlė”, as well as 2 – with Vilnius Northern Lyceum, 1 – with Vilnius Petras Vileišis Progymnasium.

At that time, cases of infection were also recorded in educational institutions operating in Kaunas County: 4 were associated with an outbreak in the Vaižgantas Progymnasium of Kaunas University of Technology, 3 – in the Kaunas Basketball School “Žalgiris “Another case is related to an outbreak at the” Saulės “Gym in Kaunas.

In Telšiai county, 11 cases are related to the outbreak at the Plungė Old Town School in Klaipėda county, 1 case was related to the outbreak at the Klaipėda Ernestas Galvanauskas vocational training center.

The last day there were also new cases of infections related to outbreaks in health and social care institutions.

35 cases of infection are associated with the Blinstrubiškės welfare home located in the Raseiniai district. All people are residents of these houses. A total of 145 cases related to this outbreak were registered: 44 workers, 92 residents and 9 secondary cases, that is, people close to the workers.

11 new cases of coronavirus are associated with the outbreak in the Marijampol especial special social care homes, of which 9 are residents and 2 employees. A total of 15 infections are estimated to be associated with the outbreak.

Another 2 COVID-19 cases are related to the Lioliai welfare home located in Kelmė district. Both individuals are employees. A total of 15 infections were recorded: 12 wards and 3 employees.

In addition, 7 cases were recorded on the last day that epidemiologists say are related to outbreaks in separate units of the Kaunas clinics. The cases are registered in the Departments of Gastroenterology, Surgery, Nephrology.

In addition, 4 cases in Vilnius are related to an outbreak at the Vilnius Republican University Hospital. A total of 6 related cases were registered.

5 cases are related to the outbreak at the Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital. There are currently an estimated 16 cases of infection associated with the outbreak.

Two cases were registered at the Kelmė District Child and Family Welfare Center, one at the Šiauliai City Municipality Child Care Home and at the Kuršėnai Children’s Family Home.

3 COVID-19 cases are related to the Kartena branch of the Kretinga Cultural Center, 3 more cases in Telšiai county are related to the rehearsal of one of the Plungė choirs, which took place on October 6.

The circumstances of the infection in 54 people are unclear.

To date, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine the incidence of 54 individuals. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Specialists examine the routes of these infections, so the statistics can still change if links are found between individual cases.

There are 2 more deaths from coronavirus in Lithuania

NVSC reports that 2 deaths from COVID-19 were recorded in Lithuania last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 112 lives.

The first case of death was registered in Šiauliai county. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on September 24. The person was treated in the Department of Nursing and Supportive Care of Kuršėnai Hospital.

The second case of death was in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group of 70 to 79 years, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on September 28. During the epidemiological diagnosis of the outbreak, specialists were unable to determine how the person was infected.

On Friday, NVSC representative R.Lingienė commented that we will get a new infection log.

“You can say that today’s record unfortunately surpasses yesterday’s. So we will probably have many records in the next period. We see no reason not to reach them,” he commented on the LRT program of the public broadcaster. “Labas rytas, Lietuva”.

The director of NVSC explained that the infection is widespread in society, certain pockets of COVID-19 are on fire and new ones are being found.

“New chimneys have appeared, one of them is the Marijampolė social residence. Welfare homes and health institutions caught fire. In Vilnius, of course, all the entertainment venues, sports clubs, various group trainings, ”he said.

On Wednesday 255 new cases of coronavirus were detected in the country. More than 100 of them are in Vilnius. 111 new cases were registered in Vilnius county, 58 in Šiauliai, 39 in Kaunas, 28 in Klaipėda, seven in Panevėžys, five in Marijampolė, four in Telšiai and three in Alytus counties.

As of September, 477 cases of coronavirus infection had been registered in educational institutions since September, and 350 doctors were infected in medical institutions in October and September, Daiva Razmuvienė, a representative of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) said on Thursday.

On Wednesday, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) called on the Vilnius city municipality to temporarily restrict active leisure activities indoors and shorten the working hours of bars. However, Povilas Poderskis, the head of the Vilnius municipality administration, has yet to promise quarantine in the capital. However, he acknowledges that the situation is certainly not good, although manageable.
