A party that has not crossed the electoral barrier complains about the electoral results


The LLRA-KŠS led by Valdemaras Tomaševskis did not reach the 5% target in the elections. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The Electoral Action-Union of Christian Families of Lithuanian Poles (LLRA-KŠS) asked the Central Election Commission (CEC) to declare invalid the results of the Seimas elections in a multi-member constituency.

Complemented with comments from LLRA-KŠS and A. Tapinas.

LLRA-KŠS claims that the law on Seimas elections was seriously violated due to Freedom TV’s campaign against party leader Valdemaras Tomaševskis and the party.

The CEC may declare election results invalid if it determines that serious violations of electoral laws have had a material effect on the election results.

LLRA-KŠS obtained 4.82% of the votes during the Seimas elections and did not enter the Seimas in a multi-member constituency without transferring 5% of the cartel.

In the first round, two LLRA-KŠS candidates were elected to the Seimas in single-member districts. Two more candidates from this party went to the second round.

The party claims that the campaign launched by the publicist, presenter Andrius Tapinas, was aimed at influencing voters, so it should have been marked as a political advertisement.

“Serious violations are not marking advertising, not indicating financial sources, and there are also times when advertising clips not marked as political advertising were distributed using a medium not registered as an advertiser,” said V. Tomaševskis.

The party’s representative, CEC Valdemaras Urbanas, pointed out that “any information aimed at campaigning for or against a particular issue in a political campaign qualifies as political advertising.”

“Political advertising that is not marked is considered hidden political advertising. Regarding the financing of a political campaign, the law clearly states that any advertisement for a political campaign must be clearly displayed and formalized in a transparent manner in accordance with the law, so that the financing of that campaign can be seen, ”said V. Urban.

A. Tapinas announced the campaign “Everything is fine, Voldemortai” on the social network Facebook before the elections to the Seimas, urging active participation in the elections in order to reduce the percentage of LLRA-KŠS votes, the account indicated to the that the campaign could be supported by transferring money.

On Facebook it was announced that a total of 15,000 euros had been collected, 300,000 copies of the publication “Everything okay, Valdemarai?”

Tapin told BNS that he did not believe the post could be seen as a political advertisement.

“We believe that our publication is not a political advertisement. If we talk specifically about the publication, the Polish election campaign was officially offered half of the publication to express their position; perhaps V. Tomaševskis does not even know these things. he wrote in public, he addressed them, they did not answer anything, “said A. Tapinas.

He claims to have provided all explanations to the CEC.

“We have received the questions from the CEC, we will answer them, I will answer what I wrote and posted on my social network, and the CEC will probably make a decision one way or another,” said A. Tapinas.

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