Plan next year’s budget: 13 pensions are not supported by either Nausėda or Šapoka


The government meeting will discuss state and municipal budget bills, Sodra and the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, along with related bills, including, presumably, on raising the minimum wage (MMA).

On Tuesday, Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka told lrt radio that any additional long-term financial obligations should be avoided in the state budget for 2021, thus rejecting the idea of ​​a 13th pension proposed by the rulers.

President Gitanas Nausėda also calls possible pension number 13 an unsustainable decision.

At the time, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis stated that if the Seimas passed a pension law number 13, the government would have to find funds for it. Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the Peasants, affirms that the economic situation in Lithuania allows paying an additional fixed pension of 200 euros.

The finance minister also said that no fiscal changes will be proposed alongside the budget, but that the most vulnerable groups in society and economic transformation will be taken into account. The minister also acknowledged that public finances will continue to be in deficit next year, but efforts will be made to reduce them.

G. Nausėda also said on Tuesday that Lithuania’s budget will definitely be in deficit next year, but noted that Lithuania’s deficit will be lower than in many countries. The presidency predicts that the budget deficit next year should reach 5-6 percent.

It is not yet clear whether an increase in the monthly minimum wage (MMA) will be discussed in the budget. According to an adviser to the Minister of Social Security and Labor, it is still being considered what should be done if the economic forecasts in December were worse than now.

“The plan is that it should have (discussed Wednesday – BNS) together with the budget issue, (…) but reserves are still being considered, because in December the Ministry of Finance will give another forecast for next year, it is considering what to do if they change and it would be slightly worse than expected in September. As the situation is unstable, it is necessary to contemplate both Plan A and Plan B, “Eglė Samoškaitė told BNS.

Government officials have proposed increasing the MMA from € 35 to € 642.

So far, only Sodra’s draft budget has been released. Its projected revenue is $ 5.063 billion. 5,002 billion euros. or 3.2%, respectively. (157.2 million euros) and 3.8% (184.4 million euros) more than expected in 2020. The Fund’s budget surplus in 2021 is expected to reach 61,295 million. EUR: 30.7 percent. (27,151 million euros) less than expected this year.

Old-age pensions will increase on average 7.17% from the beginning of next year due to indexation. The average pension with the required time of service is expected to be 428.9 euros next year, 30 euros (7.5%) more than this year.

The budget proposal must be submitted to the Seimas before October 17. After the first reading in the Seimas, the document is usually returned to the Government for improvement and is finally adopted in December.

This year, final decisions on the budget bill will be made by the newly elected Seimas and the new government.
